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  1. BlessedByGod

    The Friend's Thread

    Well, yes the threads can yield many friendly conversations. I have noticed, as of late, that many people thought have been coming into Christian Chat looking for friends. I thought about this before posting and thought it would be worth posting this to see if this helped anyone find those...
  2. BlessedByGod

    The Great Outdoors Thread!

    Welcome to the Great Outdoors....thread😄! This thread is for those that Love the Outdoors and for those that have yet to learn they are passionate about " God Country and Masterpiece". There is so much to do, swimming, hiking, bushcraft work. And let's not forget the fine art of camping ! Yes...
  3. BlessedByGod

    Star Wars Thread

    Ok, (surely some if you all saw this one coming from me for a long time, lol...) it pretty simple. This thread is for all good (can't stress this enough, lol) things Star Wars. Thoughts, memes, gifs, jokes...well, you get the picture...Oh oh, pictures! This isn't for the haters out there, just...
  4. BlessedByGod

    Inspiring Quotes

    This is a simple, but has the ability to be a powerful and inspiring Thread. I will start and may it help lift us all up, inspire us to keep reaching forward and upward! Enjoy! "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds...
  5. BlessedByGod

    The Chat Thread

    Ok, I'm not sure if they're is a thread already like this or not. It it's a general purpose thread for people to get to chatty with one another about whatever, life, hopes,dreams, the world, each other, movies, basically just general conversation of whatever sort. As we were made to be social...