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  1. LenMcM

    Unconditional Salvation

    Unconditional Salvation I am not a Calvinist but I readily acknowledge that many sincere Christians are. However I must disagree with them regarding their belief of “once saved always saved” or “Eternal Security”. It could also be referred to as “Unconditional Salvation”. Two of the main...
  2. LenMcM

    Did the Human D.N.A. Chain simply evolve?.

    Atheist “Scientists” have been studying the human D.N.A. for a number of years now and have discovered some amazing things about it. Its complex biochemical structure encodes everything in our body. They have also been trying to prove (without success) that it simply evolved. The genetic code...
  3. LenMcM

    GOD'S Names.

    GOD THE FATHERS NAMES. Well first I must say I have been absent from here for a long time. My Wife had a bad stroke and was ill for a long time before going to be with her Lord 8 weeks ago. But she is now free from pain and GOD gave us 68 great years together and for that I am thankful. Now back...
  4. LenMcM

    Does "Elohim" in any way prove the Trinity?

    Well first let me assure everyone that I believe in the Trinity; “One invisible creator God YHWH, who reveals himself in 3 different ways for 3 different purposes”. However I have observed that a number of people use the title “Elohim” as though it were some sort of proof of the Trinity and I...
  5. LenMcM

    Old or Young Earth?

    So much talk about “Young Earth” and “Old Earth”. If only people would just take the Scriptures as they read and not get bogged down with theories & non Scriptural traditions. Verses 1&2 of Genesis 1 simply tells us the basics (All we need to know) That God is the creator of Heaven & Earth...
  6. LenMcM

    Atheists - Please read.

    No one will ever be able to stand before God at the Judgement and plead ignorance, or claiming no one was able to prove God’s existence to them. For from the beginning God through every aspect of creation has clearly revealed unmistakable clear proof of High intelligence in every part of His...
  7. LenMcM

    Creation & age of the World

    As an ex Atheist I have a strong interest in the Genesis creation account, but it upsets me when I hear Christians arguing about whether the Earth is Millions of years old or was just created about BC. 4.000 to 5,500. - I have to ask, does it really matter? The Scriptures tell us quite clearly...
  8. LenMcM

    Re. Septuagint to English translations

    It appears a number of Christians are now interested in the recent translations of the Septuagint to English translations now available. I have recently looked at the Genesis genealogy account in one of them, the NETS and have found that there is an error which places the death of Methuselah as...