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  1. AutumnIsMyName

    Family rules

    I'm the oldest but definitely wasn't the bossiest! One of my brothers is only 10.5 months younger than I am, and the other is 2 years younger than me. It was the younger brother who was the bossiest (and still is)! :D
  2. AutumnIsMyName

    Family rules

    I have three siblings, but one was born 16 years after I was, so she was a baby/toddler when the rest of us were in high school/college/university. Same rules for the older three. My baby sister got a lot with a lot more since my parents were older then. LOL! We had two TVs and two (house)...
  3. AutumnIsMyName

    Family rules

    There were tons of rules in my family growing up. Most revolved around no backtalk, finishing homework before TV, doing our chores, no cursing, being polite to elders and family friends, helping our parents without whining, not arguing with our siblings, practicing our musical instruments...
  4. AutumnIsMyName

    New Guy

    謝謝你!你也一樣! (Hope I did that correctly!)
  5. AutumnIsMyName

    Christmas Movies

    I can't stand sappy movies, especially sappy Christmas movies. My favourite: A Christmas Story
  6. AutumnIsMyName

    New Guy

    Hi and welcome. I am new as well. :)
  7. AutumnIsMyName

    Greetings, everyone

    Thank you everyone for the lovely welcome! 😊😊😊
  8. AutumnIsMyName

    Greetings, everyone

    Hi everyone. :) I'm so glad to have found this forum. Just a small bit of info about me: I was baptized as an infant and attended church until I was about 18 years old. I then left the church/lost my faith for decades. During a 2-year illness, I turned to God (as one often does during such...