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  1. D


    Welcome! Regarding your distrust for those in power, clergy is actually one of the top 10 careers chosen by psychopaths. They choose it for the exact reasons you listed. They like the power and control that it gives them. It's important to also remember that for every bad apple out there...
  2. D

    How Can One Pick Up on Red Flag Levels of Addiction/Mental Illness, Especially Online?

    There are so many mental illnesses out there it's hard to sum up a list of red flags. I certainly can't speak to many of them. Until a few years ago I wouldn't have acknowledged that anxiety or depression were real things; all a choice of the impacted to feel that way. That said, I can speak...
  3. D


    Welcome! I'm new here as well and find myself in a very similar situation. I have the basics down, but my in depth understanding and even ability to understand is subpar at best. I have a personality construct that makes forming connections and holding attention quite challenging. There are...
  4. D


    That's a welcome suggestion, Cold. It seems so simple, yet it's something that hasn't occurred to me. If nothing else, an added conversation with God never hurts. Appreciated; that's why I'm here!
  5. D


    Hello everyone and thank you for the opportunity. I have a particularly difficult time focusing and learning from reading the bible alone. I look forward to learning and growing as a Christian and a person.