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  1. Jacobd

    Help! I forgot how to enter Christian Chat!

    You are right Subhumanoidal. The site has been renovated and there is no button that says "Enter Chat" So I am a bit disoriented. I have looked and haven't found it yet. Where is the button to enter Christian Chat? Please let me know. Thank you.
  2. Jacobd

    Help! I forgot how to enter Christian Chat!

    I don't know where the button/link is to enter Christian Chat. I can't seem to find it. Help! Suggestions?
  3. Jacobd

    Join me online to read my articles and poems Leave your...

    Join me online to read my articles and poems Leave your comments, and put Christian Chat if you are from here. Thank you.
  4. Jacobd

    I started JD Books with a view to help children who are abandoned and neglected. Check...

    I started JD Books with a view to help children who are abandoned and neglected. Check JDBooksForAll on social media - Facebook, Imgur, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. Share with your friends, co-workers and family. I promise to donate 15% from the sale of my books to non-profits like...
  5. Jacobd


    What can I write about love? Having never been in love, both her and I at the same time, I have found that couples being in love have the best relationship, somehow they understand and appreciate the good in each other. And that's when that verse comes into play "Love covers a multitude of...
  6. Jacobd

    Living amongst men

    From my youth upwards, My Spirit walked not with the souls of men Nor looked upon the earth with human eyes, The thirst of their ambition was not mine, The aim of their existence was not mine. My joys, my griefs, my passion and my powers Made me a stranger, though I wore the form I had no...
  7. Jacobd


    It's the difference between dry land and the first drop of rainfall from heaven. The parched, heat laden earth sizzles, vapors rise and the land hisses, as the first raindrop sinks into the earth. Raindrops fall slow, then fast. There are more hisses Vapors rise in visible white smoke mixed...
  8. Jacobd

    Create a Rainbow!

    It's one of those days, cloudy with no sunshine... she's gone somewhere, always on my mind. Her laughter pleases my soul, it brings sunshine and creates rainbows everywhere. Rainbows I can touch and feel, I see her heart glisten through raindrops. I feel the morning dew on my face... Is this...
  9. Jacobd


    When we talk, my heart feels good, She is the one, my heart tells me, She is the one, tell her what you feel. My foolish heart, O, if you only knew, She does not feel that same way like I do. My heart hangs on her every word My soul longs for her presence, I love her with my very being. She is...
  10. Jacobd

    Homeless in AMERICA!

    I watched this video on YouTube by 60 minutes and it is so sad, but this is REALITY. Where are we headed as a nation? I hope the homeless in this nation will survive and go on to help others.
  11. Jacobd

    Joke - Dead Parakeet

    So a woman had this parakeet that died, she took it to a vet. He looked at it and said, m'aam your parakeet is dead. She was dejected and said “Aw, isn’t there something you can do? I love this parakeet.” So the vet asked her to wait, went to the next room, got a cat and came back, the cat...
  12. Jacobd

    He who finds a wife...

    King James 2000 Bible Whosoever finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor of the LORD. - Proverbs 18:22 I have seen several young and middle aged men stand in prayer requesting God that He send them a partner, a wife. Obtaining favor from the Lord is him granting your heart's...
  13. Jacobd

    How God kept me from a terrible accident - November 19, 2013

    Tuesday, November 19, 2013 So I start for work this morning and reach the signal light close to my street. In front of me, a silver gray SUV. The signal light turns green and the lady in front of me goes forward slowly, inching along at 10 mph and then 20 mph. I felt like getting upset. Then I...
  14. Jacobd

    3 drunks in a taxi - Laughter does the soul a lot of good.

    3 drunk guys entered a taxi. The taxi driver knew they were drunk so he started the engine and turned it off again. He told them "We have reached." The first guy gave him money and the second guy mumbled Thank you. The 3rd guy gave the driver a slap. The driver was shocked, thinking that the...
  15. Jacobd

    Becoming Leopard chow - Well Almost!

    I know first hand what it is to be stalked by a leopard. I went to the zoo one day for advertising relations to get their ad in the paper where I worked. I talked to their PR Director and afterward she said I could go take a free stroll in our zoo. So I did and went in and walked around...
  16. Jacobd

    Giving is a powerful force!

    Give and it shall be given to you, pressed down, shaken, and running over (in over flow, in abundance) Luke 6:38 this was my paraphrased version. Here's what NIV says (New International Version) Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over...
  17. Jacobd

    Money and your relationship to God!

    God created us. When we were babies, did money concern us? When did money become important in our lives? Think back for a moment. When you saw your parents or elders exchange a piece of paper for a product, you realized that paper had value. When did we get attached to money? And if so, to what...
  18. Jacobd

    The tearing of the Temple Veil!

    On April 29th we had an enlightening bible study about some major differences in the O.T and the N.T - how God allowed his son to take the lead in putting himself on the cross so that the meaningless sacrifices of animals can be stopped once and for all. Jesus Christ hung himself on the cross...
  19. Jacobd

    Stick to your path!

    When the road gets steep and the climb so tough Press on against all odds Each step is another Closer to your destiny See how others accomplished their goals They are the few who tried and never gave up They fell countless times Their hope beaten down Made dusty, worn out by countless tries Yet...