Reactions received by Asaph

  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Asaph's post in the thread Hello and Blessings.
    Hi there and welcome. I'm feeling like I'm going to have trouble using the computer as well as using the features of this app, I still...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Asaph's post in the thread Thank you for welcoming me.
    I'm hoping I can navigate the tech side of working with computers, in order to participate. I feel like a chance to participate in...
  • D3vot3d
    D3vot3d reacted Happy to Asaph's post in the thread Thank you for welcoming me.
    I'm hoping I can navigate the tech side of working with computers, in order to participate. I feel like a chance to participate in...