Recent content by Gojira

  1. Gojira

    The Tiny, Two-Letter Word That Will Help You Find the Woman of Your Dreams

    Oh well then that makes it bad.
  2. Gojira

    Should Christians hate Communism?

    Well bear in mind that what the early church did and what communist states have done are not the same. The early church VOLUNTARILY shared. They were not forced by a totalitarian government to do so. Communism / Fascism / Progressivism (really all the same thing with unimportant variations)...
  3. Gojira

    Should Christians hate Communism?

    As a certain postman once said in response to Elaine's call for action against a barking dog, "Excellent. Eeeexxxcccellent."
  4. Gojira

    Why Won't I Vote for Trump?

    She has more insight than many of the people on this site.
  5. Gojira

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    Paul dealt with it in his day. The same source is behind this and will continue to be as long as there are humans who are not truly sold out to Christ (and he's not yet in his eternal prison to burn with the beast).
  6. Gojira

    ~Chuckle for the Day~

    Tarnation... never did see that.
  7. Gojira

    ~Chuckle for the Day~

    I love that episode. Kramer: "Hey, that was some workout we had tonight, huh?" Kid: "Now we finish it."
  8. Gojira

    ~Chuckle for the Day~

    She's got a future... in what I'm not sure, but she's a little too clever for her age.
  9. Gojira

    ~Chuckle for the Day~

    Hey... we had the same teacher!
  10. Gojira

    Are There any Linux Users on This Site?

    That's a new one on me.
  11. Gojira

    finding myself slipping back into sinful habits

    Yeah... watch out that the enemy doesn't start messing with your head when you're in that state. Don't use sin as a bandaid. That's a test, or at least a proverbial fork in the road, and it is, I think, when we're supposed to draw near to God. I get the depression thing, rest assured. My life...
  12. Gojira

    Carry The Impossible Burden

    Ya know, being really, really, ridiculously good-looking can be a burden.
  13. Gojira

    Sports Thread

  14. Gojira

    Sports Thread

    And score a touchdown in the bottom of the third period?
  15. Gojira

    Carry The Impossible Burden

    Was it in Hebrews where we read that we have not yet resisted sin to the point of our bloodshed, or something like that? I pray I'm ready for such a moment, and that I make the right decision. I see something dark and worldly in me that may be compromising my commitment. Frankly, it scares me.