Recent content by LenMcM

  1. LenMcM

    A look at Ezekiel 44:15-31 and Luke 5:1-6:49

    My deepest apologies, You were quite correct. Somehow I had misread what you had written. ( Don't know how.), but I will ensure that does not happen again. Hope you will forgive me.
  2. LenMcM

    Help for Israel

    To all Christians; Remember Your Saviour Jesus is a Jew and He gave his life for you. -- Israel now needs all the help and support it can get in it's fight for it's existence and the overthrow of terrorists. It also needs more carriers of the Gospel message to it's people. You can help in both...
  3. LenMcM

    A look at Ezekiel 44:15-31 and Luke 5:1-6:49

    In response to Shilohsfoal I do not know What "Bible" you get your info from but it certainly does not appear to be The true Bible given by YHWH. - You have everything well mixed up. Is your "Bible" a part of the Koran or some such? I do agree though with most of what Ben wrote as he quoted from...
  4. LenMcM

    Coming nuclear war Ezekiel 36- 39

    As I understand Ezek, Dan. & Revelation ; The invasion of Israel by Russia & her Muslim allies takes place at the end of the Tribulation. 1/3 of Israels people will be killed by them. Then Israel will repent and "All Israel (the remnant) will be saved. -That is when God intervenes and...
  5. LenMcM

    A Question regarding Rev. 13: 14, 15

    A question regarding Rev. 13: 14,15. Rev. 13: 14,15 reads, 14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. 15 He was...
  6. LenMcM


    MILLENNIUM I find that quite a lot is said in Scripture regarding the 7 year Tribulation. Yet very little is said regarding the 1,000 year Millennium. So I am putting forward what I have found plus what I assume, in the hope that others will contribute to this and we can all learn from it...
  7. LenMcM

    God and Time

  8. LenMcM

    God and Time

    Greetings Chaps; Yes I agree with you, believers will experience "Time " in Eternity and those terms together sound like contradictions but we are at this time incapable of understanding Eternity. Maybe time in Eternity will be in some way different to what we now experience. I think we will...
  9. LenMcM

    A look at Amos 9:7-15 and Luke 2:1-52

    Greetings Evmur, I fully agree with you. The Books of Judges and Kings are full of accounts of God allowing Israels enemies to be used to punish Israel for Her sins. Then when sufficient punishment has been given God deals severely with her enemies. He still does the same today. Israel always...
  10. LenMcM

    A look at Amos 9:7-15 and Luke 2:1-52

    Hi Ben. - Afraid it's no good me enrolling in anything now. Can not handle it with my eyesight the way it is. Can only read/write in short bursts. So sad to see the way churches have changed just in my lifetime. In all denominations the majority do not seem able to discern the difference between...
  11. LenMcM

    Struggling with the old testament

    The first few books can be very daunting and repetitive but still important, It gets more interesting and easier reading a bit further on. God put it all there for a reason. You can not properly understand the New Testament without reading the Old and you can not properly understand the Old...
  12. LenMcM

    BIBLE, Book of Daniel 7..19-26 (Theoretical explanation)

    So much speculation, so little Scripture. The following verses answer everything. Dan. chapters 2,7,11 &12 / Ezek. Chapt. 38 & 39 / Joel 2:20 and in the end all Israel will be saved Rom. 11:26
  13. LenMcM

    A look at Amos 9:7-15 and Luke 2:1-52

    Failed to answer a previous question, so here it is. It is nearly 20 years since I last drove a car so just attend an Anglican "Evangelical" Church which is just 5 minutes down the road on my mobility scooter. I do not accept any Church handle, just regard myself as a non- denominational...
  14. LenMcM

    A look at Amos 9:7-15 and Luke 2:1-52

    Well no there are no Funnel webs in this area, but plenty of red-backs. Got bitten by a baby one on the cheek bone once. Felt like I got hit with a cricket ball. Went and got an anti venom shot & was ok after a couple of hours. Got a bit of a black eye out of it for a while. Some very poisonous...