Recent content by NetChaplain

  1. NetChaplain

    Precedent Faith

    I like this reply! Pretty applicable. Thank for the comments.
  2. NetChaplain

    Precedent Faith

    It’s my understanding that individuals must decide for themselves to choose to be right with God. Can you imagine how many more would be saved if God caused everyone who was prayed for to be saved? I believe once one desires God enough to choose Him, He causes them to come to salvation; and He...
  3. NetChaplain

    Precedent Faith

    Can you pray for others salvation? I believe one can pray in hope that one’s name is in the Book of Life. Actually, salvation is one thing you need not to pray for others, because “everyone that should be saved—will be saved!” Plus, the names of all who will be saved are already in the Book of...
  4. NetChaplain

    If you're referring to me, I'm in Missouri. God bless!

    If you're referring to me, I'm in Missouri. God bless!
  5. NetChaplain

    Thanks for letting me know, we need all the encouragement we can get! God bless !!

    Thanks for letting me know, we need all the encouragement we can get! God bless !!
  6. NetChaplain

    Non-distinct Sinners

    The Jews who believes in God (“Ye believe in God” JN 14:1 - KJV), but not yet in Christ until they see Him, will be translated and restored in fellowship with Him later. These Jewish believers in God will inherit the new earth. But to inherit the new heaven one must believe in the Lord Jesus...
  7. NetChaplain

    Imperiling Prerogatives

    That is a good idea, as "imperative" denotes what must come. But my reason for using "prerogative" is to show that the enemies of the saints have the right to tempt us according to God's allowance, which is all for our learning and good! It's often about strengthening the faith of the believers...
  8. NetChaplain

    Imperiling Prerogatives

    Hi, and yes He has already won it all for us who believe! God bless!!
  9. NetChaplain

    Imperiling Prerogatives

    The opposition (self, Satan, society) has a right to attempt to “trouble” you, because God allows it so He can show us that He uses it for our “good.” Thus strengthening our faith. The issue here is how quick your resolution solves, and this is up to the believer! There is no reason to allow...
  10. NetChaplain

    His Earthly Ministry

    It’s obvious that some things written in the Word of God are more difficult to ascertain than others, requiring deeper understanding, especially concerning the eschatology of Israel. It’s my belief that God may have been a bit protective concerning teachings that relate to the end times of His...
  11. NetChaplain

    Unobjectionable Objects

    Hi, will do, and thanks for the encouraging reply! I see the "big bad three as self (old self or old man), Satan, and society! God bless!
  12. NetChaplain

    Unobjectionable Objects

    Are you maintaining a clear conscience (1Ti 3:9)? If not, we are not giving the Lord Jesus the glory for it! There is no reason for a saint to allow the oppositions (self, Satan and society) to produce guilt in ones thoughts. God knows the believer’s objective is ever to “please” Him, because...
  13. NetChaplain

    The Suffering Servant

    The most difficult thing within Christianity is the trials saints will bear; but God will not allow us to endure more than we are supposed to endure (1Co 10:13; Heb 12:4; 1Jo 5:3). Nevertheless, trusting God in all our “hardness” (2Ti 2:3) is the primary reason He takes us through every single...
  14. NetChaplain

    It’s All Good!

    No, but thanks for asking, and God bless!
  15. NetChaplain

    It’s All Good!

    What is recorded in Scripture?