Search results

  1. Lynx

    Waffles Vs. Pancakes, The Sequel: Denny's, or IHOP?

    Then somebody cooks it too long at your McDonald's. Our bacon is remarkably inconsistent. One pack will be huge strips. The next pack might be puny, thin little things. Mostly I'm not a cook. I'm just a machine operator. I put food down, the grill cooks it at a certain temperature for a...
  2. Lynx

    What Color Is This Owl?

    The one in the picture provided is indeed blue. That is not the Winston who harrassed me at the meetup. THAT is the Winston I met.
  3. Lynx

    Waffles Vs. Pancakes, The Sequel: Denny's, or IHOP?

    Well... I should hope at least IHOP is there. "International" is right there in the name. We could sue for false advertising, or at least misleading branding, if they were only in the USA. =^.^=
  4. Lynx

    To What Extent Are Singles and Marries Allowed to Socialize Together Online? (All Input Welcome/Needed for Future Threads.)

    By the way I was there and I can testify. The names were changed to protect the innocent (and the guilty) but all these things did happen in one little skype chat. It was quite the show. It was also an ongoing demonstration of why I never, ever, EVER want to be a moderator ever again. Never...
  5. Lynx

    I need a scripture for everything!

    That's such an easy one even I can answer it. I Thessalonians 5:6. I Timothy 3:2. I Timothy 3:11. Titus 1:8. Titus 2:2-6. I Peter 1:13. ! Peter 4:7. I Peter 5:8. "Be ye therefore SOBER..."
  6. Lynx

    Afraid of the Holy Spirit?

    This too shall pass. Nothing will last forever. Downside, nothing good will last forever. Upside, nothing bad will last forever. :)
  7. Lynx

    Afraid of the Holy Spirit?

    Sure thing mate. Rom 16:17. Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. And you must be using a filter that screens out a LOT of the forum. Check my post history.
  8. Lynx

    To What Extent Are Singles and Marries Allowed to Socialize Together Online? (All Input Welcome/Needed for Future Threads.)

    Yes, well... There are extenuating circumstances when it happens to them. Not the same at all. You wouldn't understand. >.>
  9. Lynx

    The Breakfast Wars: Bacon Vs. Sausage, and Links Vs. Patties?

    Actually could some kind soul copy and past this so Johnny can see it? (Quoting the post won't do any good - he can't see the quoted version either.) If he actually sees it maybe he'll stop going around telling people something so wrong.
  10. Lynx

    Ap-peeling Tots (Thoughts) About a Spud-tacular Side Dish!

    Sometimes I'll put a pile of potatoes in the microwave for half an hour, or until they are soft when I jab them with a fork. Then I'll cut them open, scoop out the inside into a mixing bowl, throw in a LOT of butter and mash it all up. Nothing fancy, but carb-o-licious!
  11. Lynx

    The Breakfast Wars: Bacon Vs. Sausage, and Links Vs. Patties?

    Actually that's wrong. I was at w*rk just today. They were cooking sausage while I brought up all the lunch food and equipment. The brown on the sausage patties is from the grill. The longer you leave it on the grill, the more brown it gets. The patties are grey before cooking. The sausage...
  12. Lynx

    Ap-peeling Tots (Thoughts) About a Spud-tacular Side Dish!

    Fried, please. When my dad was a kid Grandma would use her biggest pan, pile it as high as she could with diced potatoes, and they would still complain there was not enough at supper time. There is room for other kinds though. Ever have a tater biscuit? Slice them, pan fry them, put them on...
  13. Lynx

    To What Extent Are Singles and Marries Allowed to Socialize Together Online? (All Input Welcome/Needed for Future Threads.)

    Only thought I have is: If people avoid private chat for flirting and keep everything out here on the open forum, the temptation to act a fool goes waaaaaay down.
  14. Lynx

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    I have discovered a secondary use for glasses! If you gotta wear the doggone things anyway, might as well get all the use you can out of them. Not like it's going to ruin my image at this stage anyway.
  15. Lynx

    Afraid of the Holy Spirit?

    When a new guy sails in and starts lambasting everybody, you have to wonder what brought him here... Want forum was he most recently kicked out of? What was the final straw that made them finally kick him out? How many forums has he been kicked out of total? How long on average does he...
  16. Lynx

    Precedent Faith

    If you could get people into heaven by praying for them, a lot of people who don't care anything about living right would wind up in heaven. Then sin would be brought into heaven, which would ruin it. We already ruined one paradise...
  17. Lynx

    The Breakfast Wars: Bacon Vs. Sausage, and Links Vs. Patties?

    Yeah, this. When my family has a family breakfast we always have multiple meats, plus cheese and eggs, which some might argue counts as a meat. Whatever you prefer, it will probably be on the table.
  18. Lynx

    What Color Is This Owl?

    No I don't. And that picture is still not an accurate representation. Even cinder said so, and you know how objective and logical she can't help but be.
  19. Lynx

    What Color Is This Owl?

    What? Blue green has made me nervous ever since the meetup. I think I have PTWD. Post-Traumatic Winston Disorder. Every time I see that particular shade I jump and automatically make sure I know where the exit is.