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  1. TMS

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    The sanctuary on earth was a pattern that God gave to Moses, it was a shadow of the Heavenly things. There are more verses .... Heb 8:5 Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, that...
  2. TMS

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    Glad to see bible verses used.. The law was added because of transgression.. Sin is the transgression of the law. There must have been a law in place from the start and in place before the law "above" was added. The law that was added was because people were transgressing the law... 2 laws...
  3. TMS

    How do you get saved?

    The question "how to be saved" Not by might or by anything we can do but by the power of Christ. Faith in Jesus and what Jesus has done. External power. But we need Faith.
  4. TMS

    Election teaches that salvation comes from the Lord.

    I say we have a choice. The scripture says we have a choice. God said we have a choice. The gift is for all. We decide if accept the gift or not
  5. TMS

    Election teaches that salvation comes from the Lord.

    That is twisting scripture. Making scripture say what want. Jos 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye...
  6. TMS

    Election teaches that salvation comes from the Lord.

    God choose everyone when He gave Jesus. Everyone can be saved Justification by grace and total surrender of self show the fact that we have not ability to save ourselves but salvation comes as a gift by faith. We do need to do something.... On our part we need to ask and accept the salvation...
  7. TMS

    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    As the creator As God Jesus became a man and died for our sins Jesus was perfect, Jesus was righteous, was obedient, Holy, Just, He was love. The gift that Jesus will give us is His perfect righteousness. By faith we can be perfect in the sight of God, Jesus wants to give us this gift...
  8. TMS

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    I also believe that until people can distinguish between these two laws they will constantly miss use, twist the scriptures.... The moral law does not save use, it guides us to Jesus and Jesus saves us. Rom 3:30-31 30 Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and...
  9. TMS

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    The law righteousness and Jesus is righteousness.. if you reject the law you reject Christ. It is sad to see people saying that Jesus did not perfectly obey the law. This righteousness that Jesus wants to give is how we will be able to stand before God. Perfect and without fault If we are...
  10. TMS

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    We are all one in Christ... There are a few laws in the bible and because the word LAW is used to describe each one it can be confusing. The Bible does not contradict itself... Col 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out...
  11. TMS

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    Yes... the moral law of liberty, the royal law also known as the 10 commandments is given as a perfect standard and Jesus kept the moral law perfectly. Jesus is the living example of the law. All 10 commandments. Not 8, or 9 but 10. We can look into the mirror and see our sinfulness and come...
  12. TMS

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    This is talking about the laws that were added because of sin... Laws were in place before the added laws. Murder was sin from the start. Gen 2:16-17 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of...
  13. TMS

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    2Ti 4:2-4 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they...
  14. TMS

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: ALL SCRIPTURE, all, not just the new Testament or just what you want to hear.
  15. TMS

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    Dispensationalism developed as a system from the teachings of John Nelson Darby, considered by some to be the father of dispensationalism (1800–1882), who strongly influenced the Plymouth Brethren of the 1830s in Ireland and England This teaching is were alot of rubbish about God changing the...
  16. TMS


    538 to 1798 = 1260 days of years. The church controlled the state in 538. The deadly wond from Nepolian of France happened in 1798.
  17. TMS


    3 a half years = 1260 days A day for a years. 1260 years was perfectly fulfilled by the persecuting power of papal Rome. The church recieved a deadly wound in 1798 and today everyone has gone back to her. Look at history.... the Book of Dan and Rev both reveal this 3 and a half year time...
  18. TMS

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    To say the law will soon disappear is to say we will live in a lawless world. Like the laws of nature they are set to keep order. No gravity, no photosynthesis, no laws of quantum mechanics and this world world not exist. God set moral laws to protect us from and define sin. No law = no...
  19. TMS


    Christ and the firstfruits I agree with. Next the resurrection for the saved when Jesus comes. The 1000 years begins, Satan is bound and the saved are taken to their mansions in Heaven. This is the first resurrection mentioned in John... the resurrection of life. Joh 5:28-29 Marvel not at...
  20. TMS

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Rapture can mean an intense feeling of joy.... Or it can mean the transporting (traveling) from earth to heaven. The Bible definitely supports a rapture. When Jesus returns He will take the saved back to heaven..... Joh 14:2-3 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I...