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  1. D

    How Can One Pick Up on Red Flag Levels of Addiction/Mental Illness, Especially Online?

    There are so many mental illnesses out there it's hard to sum up a list of red flags. I certainly can't speak to many of them. Until a few years ago I wouldn't have acknowledged that anxiety or depression were real things; all a choice of the impacted to feel that way. That said, I can speak...
  2. D


    Welcome! I'm new here as well and find myself in a very similar situation. I have the basics down, but my in depth understanding and even ability to understand is subpar at best. I have a personality construct that makes forming connections and holding attention quite challenging. There are...
  3. D


    That's a welcome suggestion, Cold. It seems so simple, yet it's something that hasn't occurred to me. If nothing else, an added conversation with God never hurts. Appreciated; that's why I'm here!
  4. D


    Hello everyone and thank you for the opportunity. I have a particularly difficult time focusing and learning from reading the bible alone. I look forward to learning and growing as a Christian and a person.