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  1. C

    Pastoral requirements

  2. C

    Pastoral requirements

    I couldn't agree more BP. I feel that every pew sitter knows exactly what they want in a 'Pastor', but nothing in what God expects him to be. Illiterate Biblically. And so the circle turns.
  3. C

    Pastoral requirements

    You can tell where my daily readings are at. :) Here is the clear results of what happens with poor leadership, better put 'irresponsible leadership'. Judges 3:11-12 NASB 11 Then the land had rest forty years. And Othniel the son of Kenaz died. 12 Now the sons of Israel again did evil...
  4. C

    Pastoral requirements

    Your putting words in my mouth I did not say. But by what you say. God may have been judging them for a lot more than Covid. I'm sure you heard that the California Courts awarded Grace Community Church a nonguilty verdict and made Newsom pay their court fees. We have numerous examples of that in...
  5. C

    Pastoral requirements

    PS: Joshua 21:45 Not one of the good promises which the LORD had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass.
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    Pastoral requirements

    Joshua 21: 44 NASB And the LORD gave them rest on every side, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers, and no one of all their enemies stood before them; the LORD gave all their enemies into their hand. I/we have all heard of Churches that did NOT bow the knee to the Liberal...
  7. C

    Pastoral requirements

    Yep I had a leader from a 1000+ Church CMA group tell me they were trying to figure out how to get half their people back. They should have stood against WHO and let God sort out the metrics.
  8. C

    Pastoral requirements

    Edify - You are bang on. The Major and Minor Prophets are clear about that. I went to Agriculture (Beef Production) in the late 60's. Sheep production would be very parallel. Our Veterinary Professor told us 1 thing that changed the course of my life. I'll paraphrase it. "Herd health is 80+...
  9. C

    Pastoral requirements

    Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. 7 The more they multiplied, the more they sinned against Me; I will change...
  10. C

    Pastoral requirements

    Chaps - Thanks for your feedback. I'm glad to see that you agree with me. Or, at least your rendition confirms what I'm saying. As you say there are many "dropouts" after 3 years. When I was a kid in the 60's I saw the average pastor lasted about 3 years. That tells me that they went into the...
  11. C

    Pastoral requirements

    Pulpit Committees generally don't know what describes God's Pastoral Call looks like. I'm not interested the the Churches view of the Job Description unless it is clearly lined up with Scripture.
  12. C

    Pastoral requirements

    I came up with the 90% based on my age at 76 and the number of Churches we have attended, and the problems we have encountered while sitting on or chairing Church Boards. Your summary says nothing about the human "Why's" of a pastor's reasoning for his career choice. Read through the Major and...
  13. C

    Pastoral requirements

    I'm not going to engage in the "did you read it or not" game. If the man's heart is not in the passion to comune with the Creator of this World, then sit in the back row.
  14. C

    Pastoral requirements

    I agree with you. Most by far MOST pulpit committees have no clue. I think I said Eph 4:11-12 is a shepherd's job description. If a mam/shepherd is not consumed with his own personal learning of God's Word, I'm suspect. I'm really getting grumpy with leaders in Churches today. I call myself a...
  15. C

    Pastoral requirements

    JohnDB - and your church will be just like all the rest social functions. A Called Shepherd should fight against it for all he is worth and only God's pushing and insisting will force him into it. 90% are career ministers looking for a job.
  16. C

    Pastoral requirements

    I believe that scripture is clear about the qualifications of Church leadership and their character and the goal of their calling. A good place to start is Eph 4:11-16. You will note that I changed the text to read more in line with the Greek. "Pastor-teacher" is a better rendering of the...
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    New/Old rusty pot

    Sounds good. I once took a canoe trip from Grande Prairie to Peace River. 5 days of Glory.
  18. C

    Welcome, Larry. I assure Mark T now knows a lot more than when he made that comment. I just hope...

    Welcome, Larry. I assure Mark T now knows a lot more than when he made that comment. I just hope he is on the side of TRUTH. On that note, you will find the science in God's word explicitly interesting. The prophecies that came true on Christ alone defy mathematical comprehension.
  19. C

    New/Old rusty pot

    Greeting Ya'll from NW Alberta Canada. I look forward to watching and participating in my dearest passion. God's everlasting longsuffering arms. I am deeply concerned for the National environment we find ourselves in. The only good thing is we know the PlayBook and know who wins.