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  1. Joshua_Belyeu

    Waffles Vs. Pancakes, The Sequel: Denny's, or IHOP?

    My family would go to IHOP every few weeks when I was a kid, and I loved it every time...but now, I don't even know if there is one near my current address. I also went to Denny's in my younger adult years, but not as often, and that stopped after my Mom passed away.
  2. Joshua_Belyeu

    Non-Christian related movies

    I just got back from a 30th Anniversary screening of one of my favorite movies - you guessed it, The Crow. The picture and sound quality were amazing, which made me think the remaster supervised by original DP Dariusz Wolski was used for both this exhibition and the just-released 4K disc. My...
  3. Joshua_Belyeu

    any michael jackson fans?

    Its an interesting song, but not one of my favorites. The short film was inventive, though. Let me put it this way: if Off the Wall placed Michael at say a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10, then Thriller shot him up to 15. But its not like he was a novice or disrespected earlier in his career - far from...
  4. Joshua_Belyeu

    any michael jackson fans?

    He was already famous for spending 16 years with his brothers. He'd done four solo efforts for Motown during that time, but "Off the Wall" is what launched his mainstream independent career. That film was partly inspired by the 1961 version of "West Side Story".
  5. Joshua_Belyeu

    any michael jackson fans?

    The context of that song at the time, was that the word "bad" was a synonym for "cool", "tough", or "streetwise". Back then, Michael was trying to change his image a bit, and so he hired Martin Scorsese to direct an 18-minute short film for the title track. Since the song itself is only about 4...
  6. Joshua_Belyeu

    any michael jackson fans?

    I can't really address it from an historical perspective, since I heard songs from it and Thriller when I was 8 years old. Both albums were my intro to Michael as an artist, and I still enjoy them. I even bought the Bad 25 version, when it was released in 2012. There's some really good songs on...
  7. Joshua_Belyeu

    any michael jackson fans?

    I think the more appropriate term would be "happier", or at least "more relaxed". In the deepest core of his being, Michael was an all-out obsessive perfectionist. When it came to his music, he wanted every track on every album to be the best, never compromising a thing. That's probably one...
  8. Joshua_Belyeu

    any michael jackson fans?

    Off The Wall was a high success at the time, given that disco had pretty much fizzled out by then. Michael took it very personally though, feeling that he should've won more than just a single Grammy for his efforts. He really wanted that album to be named Record of the Year, but lost out to...
  9. Joshua_Belyeu

    Which pill for you?

    Unless you go around dressed in a white sheet and start burning crosses, I doubt you'll have any major problems. Regarding white pills, you might want to stick with Tylenol. ;)
  10. Joshua_Belyeu

    Questions questions Questions

    I think its partly just by nature - we're designed to have certain reserved feelings about the unknown. But it could also regard a specific approach, and how that is handled. One thing the Bible does says about us as Christians, is that in mimicking Jesus we should be graceful whenever possible...
  11. Joshua_Belyeu

    Which pill for you?

    And some would switch those labels...but I personal think either train of thought is an oversimplification. Another famous movie put it this way: "We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy."
  12. Joshua_Belyeu

    Which pill for you?

    Given the choice between comfortable obliviousness and uncomfortable truth, I'll openly admit my first impulse would probably be to side with the former. But I'd like to believe I'd be brave enough, to choose the latter instead. Its not easy, leaving any familiar territory behind.
  13. Joshua_Belyeu

    Christian related movies

    Call me crazy if you want, but I don't see following Jesus and enjoying some Earthly experiences as inherently contradictory. After all, we like pursuing other things in life, like listening to various musicians, eating fast food, playing games with friends or family...and yet hardly anyone with...
  14. Joshua_Belyeu

    Christian related movies

    I think its really important to note, that Scripture only gives us a very minute glimpse of Jesus' earthly life. He was here for 33 years, and the last 3 were in ministry...but there's many long stretches of time between His various parables and miracles in the Gospels. The only consistent thing...
  15. Joshua_Belyeu

    Christian related movies

    I'll be honest and admit that I generally don't watch a lot of so-called "faith based" films. I have a few reasons for this, but one is that in many cases, the filmmakers seem so determined to separate their work from a typical movie that they completely miss the point. They often come across as...
  16. Joshua_Belyeu

    Should a Christian watch stand-up comedy

    Well, many forms of comedy are founded on a purposeful disruption of the status quo. Some of the most successful comics have built their careers on making fun of everyone: Jews, Christians, Muslims, atheists, blacks, whites, Asians, Native Americans, the rich, the poor, conservatives...
  17. Joshua_Belyeu

    Star Trek Thread

    I can't nail it down to just five for the whole series, but I did make a list of ones I really liked per season, for another website. Here they are... Season 1 - "Encounter at Farpoint", "Where No One Has Gone Before", "Hide and Q", "Haven" Season 2 - "Elementary, Dear Data", "The Outrageous...
  18. Joshua_Belyeu

    Star Trek Thread

    TOS, no - it was way before my time. But I grew up on TNG, and its still my favorite version of the franchise.
  19. Joshua_Belyeu


    I'm glad you recognize Jesus' abilities to love, save, and heal - He has truly done a lot for me as well. But a lot of the suffering I experienced from my childhood until my early 30s was largely caused by people who claimed to be Christians, yet lived by a worldview of extreme fear. I've said...
  20. Joshua_Belyeu


    I've been through all those stages many times, over and over again. I've lost many people over the past 20 years, but the two biggest ones were a woman who I dearly loved in 2006 (she didn't die, just ditched me), and my Mom's unexpected passing from lung cancer in 2015.