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  1. Cold

    The Tiny, Two-Letter Word That Will Help You Find the Woman of Your Dreams

    I now see why I've never dated. I don't like wine.
  2. Cold

    What Color Is This Owl?

    Yeah, I don't think I would enjoy waking up paralyzed with a demon on my chest lol. I can vaguely remember suffering form sleep paralysis when I was around 8 years old, but that's also when the majority of my memories start so I'm not entirely sure whether it happened or not. I do know I always...
  3. Cold

    What Color Is This Owl?

    Lol true. I had something similar to that but luckily it didn't last long. the first few times it happened I thought my neighbors were doing some construction as usual, but later realized it was all me. It happened every time I was about to fall asleep and was already suffering from insomnia so...
  4. Cold

    What Color Is This Owl?

  5. Cold

    Last person to post wins!!!

  6. Cold

    What Color Is This Owl?

    You mean purple jeans?
  7. Cold

    Last person to post wins!!!

  8. Cold

    Ap-peeling Tots (Thoughts) About a Spud-tacular Side Dish!

    You can't do this with tater tots. Just saying.
  9. Cold

    Ap-peeling Tots (Thoughts) About a Spud-tacular Side Dish!

    I dislike oily and fried foods. This is why I'm going to have to start the mashed potato uprising and overthrow the villainy of the tot kingdom!
  10. Cold

    Ap-peeling Tots (Thoughts) About a Spud-tacular Side Dish!

    A gravy train doesn't sound like a safe ride but I'm willing to give it a shot.
  11. Cold

    The Breakfast Wars: Bacon Vs. Sausage, and Links Vs. Patties?

    I've never been a fan of sausage or bacon but nowadays I can tolerate bacon if I order something that has it on it. I used to always ask for no bacon when ordering things that sounded good but now I'll just leave it. I still don't go out of my way to eat bacon though. It's way too salty to me...
  12. Cold

    The Breakfast Wars: Bacon Vs. Sausage, and Links Vs. Patties?

    But they're both bad. :cry:
  13. Cold

    What Color Is This Owl?

    Same here. The thought of black and white dreams is very odd to me. It would be an interesting experience though.
  14. Cold

    What Color Is This Owl?

    Lol g'night
  15. Cold

    What Color Is This Owl?

    That's an interesting thought on the color of dreams. I don't have dreams very often but when I do they've always been in color. I was just half joking about the nightmare thing, but around half of the dreams I do have are nightmares. I'm quite used to them at this point and they haven't really...