I agree, it happens. = )
... however, I must admit, you've accomplished something truly extraordinary:
in that post of yours,
Post #906
https://christianchat.com/threads/5...ure-by-dr-john-f-walvoord.198357/post-4536840 "[
#906] FreeGrace2 said: 'But, sinc DW denies the reality of the Millennium in Rev 20, where 1,000 years is mentioned 5 times, with reference to ending and "are over", there's no use in trying to help him with any facts. His mind appears to be made up already, but without facts'"),
...you've succeeded in getting an Amillennianlist to side with you against someone supposedly [
according to your mixed-up post] ON HIS *OWN* SIDE OF THE DEBATE (Amill)... "Runningman"
who gave your incorrect post (about
my supposedly being Amill)
a hearty "thumbsup".
Stunningly hilarious! LOL
How does this even happen?!
(unless people
aren't really READING each others' posts, or else don't grasp their own position on the Subject!

[not even the first time in this thread that such a thing has taken place, either!
