This is what is wrong with most, if not all, of the gifting churches, I do believe God can and still does use the gift of tongues to accomplish his will. But these churches have twisted the meaning of words, and made literal acts of God in our salvation and gifting into some religious act that does does not even fit scripture.
They try to replace the baptism of God, and make it into some religious thing which has nothign to do with what it really means. And is another flaw in the english writers failing to interpret the word, but instead transliterate the word.
Man can not baptise us into Christ or his death by immersing us in water.
But God sure can, By immersing (baptising) us into Christ, his death and his burial. And he will in the future baptize us into his full resurrection. (Rom 6)
Man can not circumcize our souls by immersing us in water, we are spiritually circumcised by the baptism of the spirit who raised Jesus from the dead (col 2)
man can not baptize us into the body of Christ by immersing in water. GOD places us (baptism) into the body christ, whith Christ as the head, through the baptism of the spirit ( 1 cor 12)
It is NOT by works of righteousness which we have done (baptism is a work of righteousness) But By GODS MERCY that he saved us through the washing (through the baptism and regeneration (new birth) which is accomplishe BY THE HOLY SPIRIT (baptism of the spirit) (titus 3)
I can go on and on and on.
Jesus was given power when the spirit descended on him like a dove (anointed him) AFTER he was baptised. Not BECAUSE of the baptism. They were two seperate events.
Our annointing is no different, when we are sealed by the HS of promise, through the annointing of the HS, wher we are empowered from on high.
But if we are not baptized by God and made alive, Non of the above will even happen.
Once again, Baptism of the spirit is NOT what gives one person any gift, be it tongues, helps, prophesy, Teaching, giving, discenment, or whatever gift the HOLY SPIRIT deams is needed to edify and complete the local church so it can accomplish Gods will.
It is through the HOLY SPIRIT COMING INTO or ON a person, which is CALLED ANOINTING, not BAPTISM
here is my post again (1066) that you disagreed with. you espouse the belief that we are baptized in the Spirit of God upon conversion but that is not backed up by either the words of Jesus or the events that transpired that fulfilled his prophetic announcement (he said what would happen before it did) the baptism IN the Holy Spirit is for what? Jesus said the ULTIMATE purpose was for power to witness for Him. the gifts are for the body. I cannot address all you wrote right now. later if I can. but what does Jesus say?
such confusion. this is what happens when cessationists try to make scripture fit their belief
to be baptized in the Holy Spirit does not mean this is what happens when you accept Christ as your Savior. this is not the biblical model and is a corrupted interpretation
first off, as I brought up some weeks back, the actual GREEK is to be baptized IN and not with. throughout the entire NT there are only 2 prepositions used with the verb phrase 'to baptize'. those words are IN and INTO
when Jesus states 'for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with
the Holy Spirit not many days from now.' Acts 1:5, before he was taken up into heaven, He also states that the purpose of such a baptism is
8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.' Acts 1
now the disciples and all those who were still with Jesus were obviously already saved.
so, this errant teaching that baptism in the Holy Spirit is accepting Christ is corrupt and not biblical
there are some individuals here who do not accept the baptism IN the Holy Spirit and therefore, have created their own version of what the words mean
so, the fact the disciples were saved and yet Jesus told them to WAIT for the Holy Spirit whom the Father was going to send, indicates that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is a separate and DISTINCT event
so we understand, from Jesus' words and the chronological events described in the book of Acts, that you are saved when you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (don't confuse this with sanctification or anything that comes after. this is an event IN the history of your life that is not duplicated) and
the enduement for power to witness for Him comes when you are baptized IN the Holy Spirit
any other version of events or meaning is, again, a corruption of the text and should be tossed aside like the lie that it is
the Bible is more than clear that if you do not have the baptism IN the Holy Spirit you do NOT have this power that Jesus speaks of
there is no way around that, other than to deny the words of Christ and create a corruption of the text