Regeneration does precede the fruit of the spirit, faith. It has to. You can't produce fruit without being regenerated.
How in the wide world of sports could that possibly be un-biblical?
How in the wide world of sports could that possibly be un-biblical?
That would be incorrect according to the plain words of scripture...
John 1:12 does not say this....................... “But as many as have been regenerated, to them gave He the power to believe on His Name, even to those who have become the children of God.”
Notice also that John 20:31 says, “believing ye might have life.” It does NOT say, “having life ye might believe.”
In your view what must a sinner do to be regenerated? Oh right, nothing.
I guess this doctrine of total inability excludes the possibilities of ‘hearing the word."
A "fav" author of Calvinism dogma actually taught that babies can be regenerated and then later come to faith.
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