I research before I watch anything, especially from Youtube. And my research is very interesting. Tim Mackie is the man who put these videos together, since I knew our friend Joe wasn't going to tell us. Takes some digging but eventually you'll get to the truth.
one thing researching won't tell you is if something is from the Spirit or not. for that we need to have our minds set on the things of GOD enough to be able to hear from God (Spirit) what He's trying to speak to us.
if there is any process of Santification as is believed by some here - if i read correctly - then during this process we need to b e - a b l e to hear at any time from God what He tries to t e l l - u s. when we can't - that process would be slowed, even stopped,
and people would get stuck in whatever p a r t s of Truth they currently believe - thinking/ believing they are (CoMpLeTe- ly) right when they might only be right in a way / is all /... unable to know more fully because unable to learn more from Spirit (God), but only staying where they already believe / think they know.
but Only Christ is CoMpLeTe. if we are not growing in Christ, then we are not coming into more and more Spiritdual knowledge that can only be learned if we listen /learn from God (Spirit). not from our own Minds alone - Tree of Knowledge, instead with help of the Tree of Life (Spirit/God).
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