Tower of Babel:
Everyone is kind of like how you can view the upper room in one accord. They are getting along great, working side by side together, focused on the same goal and purpose, just the perfect example of how we all should be in God (for the right purpose).
Then suddenly, they look at each other and cannot speak and understand one another. It makes them so frustrated, they just quit and walk away leaving the tower incomplete.
That had to be amusing if you were watching the best team effort you could ever want to see, and then suddenly for no apparent reason at all, it goes down the toilet and everything becomes utter chaos.
Everyone is kind of like how you can view the upper room in one accord. They are getting along great, working side by side together, focused on the same goal and purpose, just the perfect example of how we all should be in God (for the right purpose).
Then suddenly, they look at each other and cannot speak and understand one another. It makes them so frustrated, they just quit and walk away leaving the tower incomplete.
That had to be amusing if you were watching the best team effort you could ever want to see, and then suddenly for no apparent reason at all, it goes down the toilet and everything becomes utter chaos.
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