Updated to Current version:
Precious friend(s), is not the Solution to Confusion recognizing
God's Differences Between "His Relationship With us," And
"our fellowship with Him!"?
God's Will, Today, Under His Pure Grace? Very Simply:
(1A) Because Of God's UNDILUTED Wrath On mankind's Sin Against His
Precious And ALL-Sufficient BLOOD Results:
(2) The believer Should do "good works" { Which will Never Equal
Undiluted Wrath And Undiluted Grace
BIG Differences Between God's Relationship For His Free Eternal Salvation,
And our fellowship with Him, working out our own salvation!
Precious friend(s): Please Be Very Richly Encouraged And Edified In
God's Wonderful Relationship Of Everlasting Life With Him:
"By Grace Through Faith, In Christ, By The Scriptures, To The Glory Of God"
Precious friend(s), is not the Solution to Confusion recognizing
God's Differences Between "His Relationship With us," And
"our fellowship with Him!"?
God's Will, Today, Under His Pure Grace? Very Simply:
(1A) Because Of God's UNDILUTED Wrath On mankind's Sin Against His
Holiness, He, In Wonderful Love, Offers everyone, repeat: everyone,
His UNDILUTED GRACE { = UNmerited Favor } For Eternal Salvation! ie:
(1B) God Establishes His Eternal Relationship With thosewho humbly repent And:
believe, 100% trust, place Total faith, In The LORD Jesus Christ, His
Death { Precious BLOOD }, Burial, And His Resurrection, According To The
"GRACE { UNmerited Favor } Through faith" In The Merits Of His Precious And ALL-Sufficient BLOOD Results:
All sins Forgiven, His Eternal Life, And, Peace With God Graciously Bestowed
Upon all humble believers! { = Eternal Deliverance From the Penalty of sin! }
Justification First, And Then:
(2) The believer Should do "good works" { Which will Never Equal
Christ's Total [ Infinite ] Payment For the above Penalty of sin! }...
...for Which we Are Created In Christ Jesus, to perform for Him, having
"been Called into fellowship With Him!" (1 Corinthians 1:9-10 AV)
We "work out our own salvation" { This Should Be
a lifetime of Deliverance From the power of sin! }
(2a) Fulfil All Of His Law, In "One Word: Love your neighbor
as yourself!" (Galatians 5:14; Romans 13:8-10 AV)
(2b) Study His Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided, to show
yourself Approved Unto God! (2 Timothy 2:15 AV)
(3) Eternal Results: reward { or loss } (1 Corinthians 3:8-15 AV),ruling and reigning With Christ, Which Will Finally Be At
The { Bema Seat } Judgment Day:
Christ's Glorification of All "members" Of His Body!!
{ This Is Eternal Deliverance From the Presence of sin! }
Undiluted Wrath And Undiluted Grace
BIG Differences Between God's Relationship For His Free Eternal Salvation,
And our fellowship with Him, working out our own salvation!
Precious friend(s): Please Be Very Richly Encouraged And Edified In
God's Wonderful Relationship Of Everlasting Life With Him:
"By Grace Through Faith, In Christ, By The Scriptures, To The Glory Of God"
. . . . . . . . . . . . Alone!! . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The distinction between kerygma/saving faith and didache/working faith was made by Jesus when He commissioned His original twelve disciples minus Judas (MT 28:19-20). This “Great Commission” speaks of both types of information. The kerygma is indicated by verse 19, in which Jesus says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations”, and the didache is implicit in verse 20, in which Jesus continues by saying “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” This speaks of the information a disciple needs to know and believe after conversion in order to grow in Christ-likeness regarding how to live the law of love. It is the “all truth” that is taught by the Spirit referred to in John 16:13.
The kerygma calls for repentance and acceptance of Jesus as Lord, which is an all or nothing decision that occurs at one moment in time, whereas the didache teaches God’s will regarding how those who have been saved should live in order to be a good witness for Christ, which involves learning more of God’s Word throughout one’s lifetime. A passage teaching this truth is Colossians 2:6-7: “Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord [kerygma], continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught [didache].” What I just realized when posting on another thread is that there is no qualitative difference between faith that accepts God's saving grace and faith that walks in faith while accepting God's working grace, but only a quantitative difference as each additional moment passes--and of course faith remains non-meritorious during the entire lifetime.