Why do you want to share this passage? Is there any special meaning?🤔
Why do you want to share this passage? Is there any special meaning?🤔
I've noticed in corrupt versions with verse 11, they have Him saying, "Well I'm a sinner!" and begins to stone the adulterous woman. I'm sure there's more but that's the first verse that showed when searching.
But more than that, the lessons of humility(Matt 7:3-5), lifting women up(John 20:17... Jesus sent Mary out to inform the apostles👀) when both the man and the woman caught in the adulterous act should have both been stoned by Law(Deuteronomy 22:22). Why bring only the woman?? And of course, the call to repentance being a must for all who choose to follow Christ. This being our submission to the work of the Holy Spirit through sanctification.
And for the sake of this thread, God's pure grace and His will for our lives being on full display through His treatment of her in her desperate time of need. She/we did not deserve to be set free from our sin, but we are only through His abundant grace(Romans 5:20)
Jesus calling for her to repent after releasing her from this judgment being a call for us all to confirm our already gained salvation by doing the will of the Father. Yet while still in this world, in these bodies, we won't be sinless but most definitely should be sinning less