I do see your point but my children will always be my children and God does call me His child. Am I a different kind of child to God than mine are to me? When my children exercise their free will and are disobedient are they no longer my children?
No, they will always be your children, however are there not earthly instances when a child in rebellion has refused to acknowledge his father? I've seen this many times in the past, and even today it is happening.
Rebellion from God, disobedience of God must separate us from Him.......can God abide in a rebellious and disobedient heart? Maybe, but it would seem contrary to what Scripture says in my opinion.
Real life example. I know a man and woman who were for many years devoted believers. Honest, sincere servants of Christ. Then a tragedy struck them that shook their faith to the ground. An infant child died. Both were devastated to the point of questioning God. Now, this is not unusual, it happens more often than we would believe I suspect.
The woman continued in church, seeking love and support from the congregation and counseling from the Pastor as to why God would allow such a thing to happen? Over two years she struggled with this before she could understand and come to terms with the reality of this life...........none of us are promised tomorrow, and God's ways are not our ways, and His reasons are not our reasons, and such. She is still a member of the congregation and more productive than ever as I see it.
The man was so devastated, that he left the church, turned to alcohol, drugs, and the world for solace. His implosion of faith was pretty much complete. He cursed the idea that a God, any God could allow the death of his child who was guilty of nothing more than being loved. He divorced his wife. He returned to the world, and as far as I know, he remains there, in full rebellion and disobedience to God with no faith in God.
If this man dies without reconciliation, will he go to heaven? I haven't heard of him for many years, so don't know his current state, or even if he is still alive. God DID NOT LEAVE OR FORSAKE him, he forsook God. God will not forsake him, IF he is still alive, repents, confesses and returns to God, God will return to him.
In my humble opinion, this is what the Scripture is teaching us when it says He will never forsake or leave us.
Anyway, just my thoughts.........