JaumeJ, thanks for taking it sportingly.
The Bible from Genesis to Revelation is authored by God. The Holy Spirit is the Author. The HS is God. The Bible focuses on Christ - from A to Z. Paul's writings (which seem to offend some Christians!) are the Word of God! If you want to understand New Testament Christianity, you have to understand PAUL. So do not separate the Lord Jesus from His beloved Apostle Paul.
Because Paul is so important, we use the term PAULINE DOCTRINE.
Hope one day soon God will enlighten your eyes!

Jesus teaches He will raise sons of Abraqham fro the very stones.
He teaches the Faith of Abraham, my faith I believe.
Now here is something many cannot understaqnd. Abraham is traqnslated Father of the Peoples *Nations).
All who parise God are true Jews for a Jew is one who praises God, not a person descended directly from Judah, though they can be also.
Jesus, the Bread from Heaven born in Bethlehem*House of Bread), teaches the very basic s of understanding the Word for He is the Word.
I believe it that Paul is a disciple because Paul tells us so, but he is not one of the Twelve Apostles. Those Twelve are the foundations of our faith after Jesus, and their names are inscribed on the twelve foundations of New Jerusalm to come.
Jerusalem was originally called Urushalaim, or City of Peace. God changed its name to Yaahurushaloom.. city of Yahweh's Peace after the taking over from the Jebusites.
There is a lot more from our Hebrew forefathers to learn, but so many cannot give credit to our Father having chosen the Hebrews for His purposes.
Praise God for He is worsthy not we.