May I ask you, what do you believe Paul could possibly have meant when he said...
"... who died for us, that WHETHER WE MAY WATCH [*G1127] *OR* WHETHER WE MAY SLEEP [*G2518], we should live together with [G4862 - UNIONed-with] Him"
"watch [G1127]" and "sleep [G2518]" being the SAME WORDS and SAME MEANINGS as used in verse 6... see verse 6, below, and COMPARE how these two words are used in this SAME CONTEXT:
-- vs. 10 - Who G3588 died G599 for G5228 us G2257 that G2443 whether G1535 we wake / watch G1127 or G1535 sleep G2518 we should live G2198 together G260 with G4862 him. G846 ; as compared with...
--v.6, just a few verses back (SAME WORDS and SAME MEANINGS, per CONTEXT) - Therefore G686 G3767 let us G2518 ➔ not G3361 sleep G2518 as G5613 G2532 do others; G3062 but G235 let us watch G1127 and G2532 be sober. G3525
[distinct "SLEEP" word from that used 3x in the PREVIOUS chpt (chpt 4), which spoke of the "death" of the believer]
Now, HOW can Paul SAY such a thing?!
"...that WHETHER WE MAY WATCH *OR* WHETHER WE MAY SLEEP [same definition as in verse 6, here!!], we should live together WITH / UNIONed-with HIM!"
"... who died for us, that WHETHER WE MAY WATCH [*G1127] *OR* WHETHER WE MAY SLEEP [*G2518], we should live together with [G4862 - UNIONed-with] Him"
"watch [G1127]" and "sleep [G2518]" being the SAME WORDS and SAME MEANINGS as used in verse 6... see verse 6, below, and COMPARE how these two words are used in this SAME CONTEXT:
-- vs. 10 - Who G3588 died G599 for G5228 us G2257 that G2443 whether G1535 we wake / watch G1127 or G1535 sleep G2518 we should live G2198 together G260 with G4862 him. G846 ; as compared with...
--v.6, just a few verses back (SAME WORDS and SAME MEANINGS, per CONTEXT) - Therefore G686 G3767 let us G2518 ➔ not G3361 sleep G2518 as G5613 G2532 do others; G3062 but G235 let us watch G1127 and G2532 be sober. G3525
[distinct "SLEEP" word from that used 3x in the PREVIOUS chpt (chpt 4), which spoke of the "death" of the believer]
Now, HOW can Paul SAY such a thing?!
"...that WHETHER WE MAY WATCH *OR* WHETHER WE MAY SLEEP [same definition as in verse 6, here!!], we should live together WITH / UNIONed-with HIM!"
I'm in no mood to enter into a useless debate with you. The fact is you're not preparing. But you should.
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