i am not so sure that other parables do not illustrate real people and real events - kinda suspect they do, so whether we call this a parable or not ((with all the connotation that word brings)) doesn't seem to me to be quite so material to how we understand it.
the main issue i take with dismissing the worldview clearly presented in Luke 16 is that Christ does not use lies in order to teach truth.
the main issue i take with dismissing the worldview clearly presented in Luke 16 is that Christ does not use lies in order to teach truth.
What I did say was that it need not be taken literally... people who are dead and buried and rotted
to dust have returned to the elements of the earth and are not having conversations with each other.
Scripture uses many literary devices in its writings and none of them make any
of what is said a lie whether it is hyperbole or poetry or apocalyptic language.
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