A few years ago I found porn on my husbands computer, including conversations on a site that required "tokens" which you had to purchase in order to send messages.
Needless to say this caused a lot of strain on our marriage, especially after confronting him, being told I'm nuts, and in denial, and even walked in catching him when his screen froze, then he quickly tried to open a new window as I came in, but as fate would have it the frozen screen even though couldn't be seen, unfroze and could be heard.
Well, life went on, he got help, grew in his relationship with the Lord, and I honestly don't believe this to be an issue for him anymore.
During that time I found myself on a Christian site similar to this. I never talked about my personal life or marriage or anything like that, but it did say on my profile "married", I never tried to hide that. It became my favorite place to spend time, and while there I ended up in a private conversation with another man (widower) He was a great guy, and seemed like all the things my husband lacks this man had (such as sensitivity, and emotion, and listening/well reading & responding to what I had to say, which felt like listening since my husband has a bad habit of cutting me off mid sentence no matter what we're talking about).
Anyway, over time I began imagining what life with this man could/would be like..........
not that I would divorce my husband to run off with some stranger on the internet, but just thoughts like "what if something happens to my husband and I find myself a widow....... would this man become a love interest/ what kind of father would he be to my kids"......... or "what if I never married husband, and met this man while single?" thoughts like that.
He was always telling me how much/highly he thought of me. It felt like he was my best friend, and he told me I was his.
Anyways, one night as we were both saying "time for bed, talk to you later" I found myself saying "I love you!"
I did not type to him (we had only communicated through that site, never personal emails or phone) but it was in my head, and then in my heart, and whispered from my lips, and I was surprised. I thought it was a weird fluke, but the next time we chatted I found myself thinking it again. And thinking it throughout the day when we weren't chatting.
My husband likes to listen to "soft rock" radio stations, "the best of the 80's, 90's and today".........
I found hearing songs like Selena- I could fall in love with you......... that NEVER made me swoon for anyone, suddenly was making me think of him.
And honestly found myself thinking if I wasn't careful that I could/would fall in love.
I didn't know how to bring this up to him, I never did. I just never went back to that site.
I feel so torn up over it. It's been several months, and I feel like I owe him an explanation, but I'm afraid if I go back and reconnect that either 1) he'll ignore me or 2) we'll reconnect and things possibly go further, past boundaries, and I honestly don't want to go there.
My husband had the radio on today, Whitney Huston "I'll always love you" came on.
Again, not a song that's ever affected me but now it did. I almost burst into tears and had to leave the room.
My husband asked me if I was alright (not usually something he used to do) and I had a hard time answering "yep, I'm fine"
I just wonder if I should let things go, or if I should tell my husband what has been going on?
Things have gotten better for/with us, and I'm afraid if I tell him that it's not going to be taken well.
Needless to say this caused a lot of strain on our marriage, especially after confronting him, being told I'm nuts, and in denial, and even walked in catching him when his screen froze, then he quickly tried to open a new window as I came in, but as fate would have it the frozen screen even though couldn't be seen, unfroze and could be heard.
Well, life went on, he got help, grew in his relationship with the Lord, and I honestly don't believe this to be an issue for him anymore.
During that time I found myself on a Christian site similar to this. I never talked about my personal life or marriage or anything like that, but it did say on my profile "married", I never tried to hide that. It became my favorite place to spend time, and while there I ended up in a private conversation with another man (widower) He was a great guy, and seemed like all the things my husband lacks this man had (such as sensitivity, and emotion, and listening/well reading & responding to what I had to say, which felt like listening since my husband has a bad habit of cutting me off mid sentence no matter what we're talking about).
Anyway, over time I began imagining what life with this man could/would be like..........
not that I would divorce my husband to run off with some stranger on the internet, but just thoughts like "what if something happens to my husband and I find myself a widow....... would this man become a love interest/ what kind of father would he be to my kids"......... or "what if I never married husband, and met this man while single?" thoughts like that.
He was always telling me how much/highly he thought of me. It felt like he was my best friend, and he told me I was his.
Anyways, one night as we were both saying "time for bed, talk to you later" I found myself saying "I love you!"
I did not type to him (we had only communicated through that site, never personal emails or phone) but it was in my head, and then in my heart, and whispered from my lips, and I was surprised. I thought it was a weird fluke, but the next time we chatted I found myself thinking it again. And thinking it throughout the day when we weren't chatting.
My husband likes to listen to "soft rock" radio stations, "the best of the 80's, 90's and today".........
I found hearing songs like Selena- I could fall in love with you......... that NEVER made me swoon for anyone, suddenly was making me think of him.
And honestly found myself thinking if I wasn't careful that I could/would fall in love.
I didn't know how to bring this up to him, I never did. I just never went back to that site.
I feel so torn up over it. It's been several months, and I feel like I owe him an explanation, but I'm afraid if I go back and reconnect that either 1) he'll ignore me or 2) we'll reconnect and things possibly go further, past boundaries, and I honestly don't want to go there.
My husband had the radio on today, Whitney Huston "I'll always love you" came on.
Again, not a song that's ever affected me but now it did. I almost burst into tears and had to leave the room.
My husband asked me if I was alright (not usually something he used to do) and I had a hard time answering "yep, I'm fine"
I just wonder if I should let things go, or if I should tell my husband what has been going on?
Things have gotten better for/with us, and I'm afraid if I tell him that it's not going to be taken well.
That's just honest, because it's adultery plain and simple and marriages almost never get through that.
Your guilt should stop you from ever doing such a thing again, and yes, it's better that you stay forever away from that site and work on your marriage.
Completely deleting that account is best.
I am married and talk to my Christian brothers online but it never goes beyond seeing them as dear brothers, there's a line, and clearly you don't have the ability to see it and stop yourself from ever crossing it, but at least you can forgive and forget your husband's weakness now, so there is that.
Work on your marriage. Period. Fantasy is rarely anything like reality, and a man who would allow the proper lines to be crossed with a married woman isn't exactly the best Christian brother you could have anyway, and likely a worse spouse.
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