But what were the police at the rally doing, DITHERING AROUND? Several rally goes were pointing at the rooftop nearby -- for 2-3 minutes -- and telling the police on the ground that there was a man with a rifle "bear-crawling on the roof" and they should do something. And what was their reaction? Nothing except "Huh! What?" So it was a tactical sniper who noticed this and took action. But one person was killed, another seriously injured by this assassin.
Let's not forget all the Trump Hatred that the Democrats and the Leftist media have been churning out day after day for years on end, calling Trump " a threat to democracy" and "Hitler" and all kinds of hate-inducing lies. So those were clear signals to any Leftist sniper -- or CIA sniper -- to take these shots. RFK Jr had openlu said that his uncle was targeted by the CIA.
But those cowardly police officers need to be investigated. Their behavior echoes that of police at several mass shootings who did absolutely nothing. So now "police sources" are saying "Trump likely hit by glass fragments" to protect themselves. The coverup has already begun. See NewsMax.
Let's not forget all the Trump Hatred that the Democrats and the Leftist media have been churning out day after day for years on end, calling Trump " a threat to democracy" and "Hitler" and all kinds of hate-inducing lies. So those were clear signals to any Leftist sniper -- or CIA sniper -- to take these shots. RFK Jr had openlu said that his uncle was targeted by the CIA.
But those cowardly police officers need to be investigated. Their behavior echoes that of police at several mass shootings who did absolutely nothing. So now "police sources" are saying "Trump likely hit by glass fragments" to protect themselves. The coverup has already begun. See NewsMax.
Here's another writer from IW.
Not Incompetence
This is the first place that SS post as observation and counter s detail.
There is absolutely no way they messed up. That's a cover story for those deep state paid minions.
Did any news story mention conspiracy charges against those in uniform and wearing dark sun glasses?
This appears to be a group effort.
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