Attorney General said they did announce themselves. Neighbor witnessed this. May be more charges as you mentioned. Sad case. She got caught in the crossfire between her BF and the police.
Imagine this scenario. You're asleep. You hear someone break through your locked house door. Investigating you see three people wearing street clothes in your house.
I would wonder about that. That the cops announced prior to breaking in. Namely because a bill was pursued in her name to ban no knock warrants and was passed. If the cops did announce themselves why the pursuit against a no knock warrant that cites her murder in this case and that refers to the no knock warrant?
Maybe what the neighbors heard was the cops announcing after they gained entry and the shooting started. Ms. Taylor was killed in a crossfire and sustained many shots from police. And keep in mind, she and her BF were asleep when police broke in.
Supposedly, the initial issued no knock warrant was changed to a knock and announce warrant just before the raid. I'd love to see the paperwork on that.Or is it just a CMA? Because Ms. Taylor's BF and eleven other witnesses stated there was no announcement by police.
This is another reason for my calling this murder. She was briefly alive after taking all those shots. But no one tried to help her. (Link below includes 911 call recording)