My body is tired and even my mind is a part of that. But God tells us we think starting with our heart (our most inner part of us), and the heart never stops beating for it is a part of our spirit until we are moving to greener pastures as they say, where our heart (or most inner part) will only transfer in a new form of godliness. So, a quick mind is not always a quick mind, it can be a push from the heart, and it can even be artistic in nature from there. my Brian canned do tires well, in that it is capable of being tired. But the heart sings on in joy as we receive the revelations of our Spirit to spirit workmanship of God.
Sew yes, I due half a mind that kan BB exhausted, but my Spirit/spirit lives in utmost joy 24/7.

But I still would like to see a picture of that ....LOL