Glad that you find my info helpful.
I think Sunday service might feel a little too formal in my opinion... If it was me, I'd probably pass on the service and suggest we try some interesting restaurant for lunch instead. Out here they have free concerts in a couple of parks. I think that would be a good event for a casual meetup. Just anything where there's no pressure to look or act your best.
Here's more background info: yes, the man I'm interested in was raised in a traditional Christian family. He was baptized as a teen and knows church way better than I do (one of the main reasons I like him). I served the same ministry with him for 3 months and know that he is very sensitive, quiet (rarely talks about himself) and need attention and love from others. He is a good listener and has a very tender heart (another reason I like him). Our Pastor told me that he stopped attending Sunday Service since last year as he was hurt by someone while leading a small group, which subsequently disbanded. He seemed to be interested in me but never asked me out (I was much more talkative and social than him while serving together).
Since he is such a passive guy, I just invited him to attend Sunday Service with me - as I want to draw him closer to Lord. But he never texted back. zeroturbulence - he is a computer engineer and loves music. He seems to have difficulty expressing his thoughts by word though. You're right that comfort and a casual atmosphere are EXTREMELY important to him. He also seems to be more relaxed in the evening/at night as we served during evenings. I have no idea what is the exact reason he didn't reply to my invitation. What can I do next? Suggest something different to do? Ask him the reason? Or give up?
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