I don’t like being called cute or pretty. You can use those words on puppies or kittens but not me😊
Calling me hot isn’t flattering either, I feel like it’s a word to describe a man looking at a woman out of lust, and vice verca. I do understand that a husband may call his wife that, which is fine, but personally I wouldn’t like to be called such - but I would admit, that I have said: “
that pizza is hot!” Lol.
I’d prefer to be judged by my character/intelligence and personality first before appearance, and if it were by appearance, then using words like beautiful, fairfully, lovely, righteous or faithful would be nice 😊. And if I had a husband, then I’d like to call him honey, darling, or my love in return.
I just want to also say to everyone in here that you are beautiful/handsome, and created in Gods perfect image - don’t forget that you are
His masterpiece ❤️