There is a pattern in today's society, that many of you may have witnessed or experienced. I will explain it. In today's society (and likely in past societies) there is a trend for men to have numerous one-night stands with multiple women. THIS IS DEVASTATING! I have so many friends (who are female) that have been torn apart inside because they have been bedded by some guy and then he goes onto the another woman. I think (and women correct me if I am wrong) that this is probably more devastating for the woman than the man involved. Being promiscuous offers a false promise of love, nearness, and comfort. And then it is stripped away in the morning when the man leaves. I say to this, "IT IS AN ABOMINATION."
Men, I ask you to make a commitment with me. Make a commitment to pray for these women. Make a commitment to have to tolerance for these sins. Make a commitment to the male children you have or may have to raise them up in a Godly manner to respect their mothers, wives, friends. Lets stop being boys and grow into manhood! That is my prayer.
God Bless, Perk
Men, I ask you to make a commitment with me. Make a commitment to pray for these women. Make a commitment to have to tolerance for these sins. Make a commitment to the male children you have or may have to raise them up in a Godly manner to respect their mothers, wives, friends. Lets stop being boys and grow into manhood! That is my prayer.
God Bless, Perk
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