I'm mad

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Aug 18, 2011
Well thats a good question and you are right there are many doctrines in the world today but what does your heart tell you?
Even if we don't quote scripture as far as abortion is concerned would you be able to terminate your own childs life as soon as it was born?
Makes no difference to God whether you do that at 2 months into the pregnancy or on the table when the child is born or when the hairs on the head are grey it is still murder! To use the argument that the world is over populated as an excuse is well.... JUST UNCONSCIENCEABLE AND AS FAR AS HOMOSEXUALITY IS CONCERNED did you know the average lifespan for a homosexual male is 41 years? On the other hand the average lifespan for a heterosexual male is 82 weird eh?
peace and love

corripiens iridis manet


Im mad.........
Thats what they said about a man who actually had a group of malicious guys with a list of "to do things" on him they ticked of gradually.And it was things like disable him, remove friends etc...
He was a threat to them so they called him mad.
Many films about such things also and they are all alone and eventually find someone to trust and turn to and after yrs sometimes truth comes out atleast to a few and sometimes to all and they are freed.
Cant beleive such evil there is and they look so nice ....on the outside often pshycopaths with family , children etc politicians bä...

As for abortion.There are so many circumstances.
One woman was tortured and they brainwashed her and forsed her to have abortion and she is religious but said God knows her soul.
As for homosexuality; Im for love and against hate and spreading hate and judgement and bullyng intolerance etc in society.


1 Corinthians 6:9-11

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[a] nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

Adulterers will not inherit the kingdom of God. Therefore, King David won't be in the kingdom :p
King David repented for his sin and lost a son because of his sin.Yes, he committed the sin of aldultery but repented. A lot of people in the bible were not perfect but they repented and turn back to God.


Romans 1:25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error
28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. 29 They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32 Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.


The Bible is clear about what is right and wrong and I choose to believe what God and his word says above anything or anybody else.
Aug 18, 2011
The Bible is clear about what is right and wrong and I choose to believe what God and his word says above anything or anybody else.
I said it in another thread and I will say it again you are a smart cookie maddy can we be friends:D


Senior Member
May 14, 2011
King David repented for his sin and lost a son because of his sin.Yes, he committed the sin of aldultery but repented. A lot of people in the bible were not perfect but they repented and turn back to God.
You missed my point. I know David repented. My point is that if not all adulterers are going to hell -- but there are exceptions -- then maybe not all homosexuals are going to hell, hence, there shouldn't be all this pointing of the finger at homosexuals.

Also, I've heard an intrepretation of the Bible saying that only Jesus spoke the Law, and most of what Paul said was a matter of opinion. Of course, we all know Jesus Himself didn't condemn homosexuality; you could say (as some do) that it is Paul's opinion.

Also, some Bible scholars will say that homosexuality then is not the same as homosexuality today. Instead of mutal love between two people of the same sex, the homosexuality Paul is talking about is the rape of young men.

If all that I said is true, then that changes things a bit, doesn't it?


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2011

[COLOR="DarkRed"[B]]Leviticus 18:22, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.”[/B]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Leviticus 20:13, “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”


Romans 1:26-32, “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Interpret it however you want, this is what God said on the matter.



You missed my point. I know David repented. My point is that if not all adulterers are going to hell -- but there are exceptions -- then maybe not all homosexuals are going to hell, hence, there shouldn't be all this pointing of the finger at homosexuals.

Also, I've heard an intrepretation of the Bible saying that only Jesus spoke the Law, and most of what Paul said was a matter of opinion. Of course, we all know Jesus Himself didn't condemn homosexuality; you could say (as some do) that it is Paul's opinion.

Also, some Bible scholars will say that homosexuality then is not the same as homosexuality today. Instead of mutal love between two people of the same sex, the homosexuality Paul is talking about is the rape of young men.

If all that I said is true, then that changes things a bit, doesn't it?
I getting the feeling that you don't believe in all the bible, just some things about the bible.
The bible was written by men of God, who had God's Holy Spirit.
They wrote it as God wanted it.Homosexuality is wrong it's a slap on God's face and his design when he created a man and a woman.
If a homosexual repents of his sin just like any other man who repents of their sin God will forgive them.
It is wrong, the bible says so, it's a sin and so is the sin of hate.
Only because I believe God says or because God says it wrong doesn't mean I or he hates them.
They have free will, but I will not let them be deceived into believing it is right when God says it's wrong.
Neither they force us to accept their sin and go agaist God's word.
The problem with today is that people want shades of gray when it's black and white.
Read God's word believe him not what everyone else says.


To jamie26301.... I must state that there was a change in King Davids heart. I do believe a person who repents of any sin can make it to heaven. But there needs to be a change in their nature.

James 2:17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

A faith that truly saves is shown by a changing of ones nature. Any to claim a "true" faith and does not change is indeed false. Not that works save you. But that works are a proof of salvation.

There are many verses about faith saving you but bringing up any of them does not negate or contradict what I just said. So long as you heed logic and are really trying to find out a answer and not just trying to push your idea then I have no problem with you :D

I don't give a care what others think >.> Though I love people who try to question things and are truly open minded to find truth.


i think we would all be better off if we love one another regardless of ourOPINION,and really alot of this gay debate isJUST THAT.
Aug 25, 2011
I'm upset.

You know, I'm searching. I'm tryinng to come to my own conclusions about what the word of God says. Or even it it is infalliable or not. .
The word of God is a lamp to your feet, Honey on your lips. The word of God is your salvation. The word is Jesus. Nothing was made without him, every good thing you want is Lord God Almighty's gift to you. Becareful, be steadfast, Let the fear of the Lord be your beginning and your end. For every living person on the entire planet will have stand to before God, and give an account of those things seen and unseen.

Be of good cheer. Be as wise as a serpent, but as gentle as a dove.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2011
John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

he loved the world. not only the beleivers.


im mad too jamie.i was just in the lounge room and i got totally disrespected by trish and two others for causing drama when i wasnt.they offended me and not one apology was even offered.i dont know if i will even go back to that room or not.its not right to offend someone and not apologize to them.


The word of God is a lamp to your feet, Honey on your lips. The word of God is your salvation. The word is Jesus. Nothing was made without him, every good thing you want is Lord God Almighty's gift to you. Becareful, be steadfast, Let the fear of the Lord be your beginning and your end. For every living person on the entire planet will have stand to before God, and give an account of those things seen and unseen.

Be of good cheer. Be as wise as a serpent, but as gentle as a dove.
100% on the money.

I getting the feeling that you don't believe in all the bible, just some things about the bible.
The bible was written by men of God, who had God's Holy Spirit.
They wrote it as God wanted it.Homosexuality is wrong it's a slap on God's face and his design when he created a man and a woman.
If a homosexual repents of his sin just like any other man who repents of their sin God will forgive them.
It is wrong, the bible says so, it's a sin and so is the sin of hate.
Only because I believe God says or because God says it wrong doesn't mean I or he hates them.
They have free will, but I will not let them be deceived into believing it is right when God says it's wrong.
Neither they force us to accept their sin and go agaist God's word.
The problem with today is that people want shades of gray when it's black and white.
Read God's word believe him not what everyone else says.
Also 100% on the money.

Jamie: "I've heard an intrepretation of the Bible saying that only Jesus spoke the Law, and most of what Paul said was a matter of opinion. Of course, we all know Jesus Himself didn't condemn homosexuality; you could say (as some do) that it is Paul's opinion."

You can see in 1 Corinthians 7 where Paul makes a distinction between his opinion and what is the life changing law of grace. There's the Old Testament law comprised of 613 laws all listed throughout the 5 Mosses books and, what we call in Bible College, the laws of grace that we find in the New Testament past Jesus. :D Keep going in your search. :D


Senior Member
May 14, 2011
You can see in 1 Corinthians 7 where Paul makes a distinction between his opinion and what is the life changing law of grace. There's the Old Testament law comprised of 613 laws all listed throughout the 5 Mosses books and, what we call in Bible College, the laws of grace that we find in the New Testament past Jesus. :D Keep going in your search. :D
I will keep searching, thank you. :)


Senior Member
May 6, 2010
Hi Jamie,

Thanks for your post. I can definately identify with what you are saying--God took me on that journey too. In my searching, I was inundated with ignorant people who said, "Just believe the Bible, not what everyone says," but then they would tell me all about "what the Bible says" from their point of view. My own mother said that I was a "tool of Satan prosolytizing false teachings." Hm... I was just trying to know God better.

God took me on that journey and he made me go it alone. There was not one person who truly understood what it was all about. I was angry at times, so lonely, sad... even cried myself to sleep because I didn't understand and I wanted to fit in with "mainstream" Christianity, but just couldn't. Now I see what it was all about. God was teaching me to look to him alone and not worry about what everyone else is doing or thinking or believing. I'm grateful for the lesson, but it still hurts when I remember how people treated me--people who called themselves "christians" but sure didn't act like it.

I spent 5 years studying with Jehovah's Witnesses. I sure do love them, and I sure did take a lot of verbal beatings and ignorant talk from foolish "christians" who judge what they don't know or understand. In the end the jokes on them when they get through those pearly gates and find their JW neighbor made it too! HAHAHAHA. That's a good one! I'll be rolling on the ground laughing when I see the looks on people's faces!

In the end, Jamie, the lesson really isn't about doctrine. To some extent it is, but mostly it's about letting him take you on the journey of your life! It's so awesome that you agreed to it. It's not for the weak-hearted, that's for sure, so I know that God has a plan to use you in a mighty way! Awesome!


For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. God love us


Jamie, Hello, I hope and pray that you dont mind, but i REALLY understand what you had to say and it got my ranting mechanism whirling, so im going to adress your post, INSIDE you post, i hope it doesnt feel like im picking it apart.

I'm upset. Good. Get used to it. Jesus was upset allot to. but he never sined.

You know, I'm searching. I'm tryinng to come to my own conclusions about what the word of God says. Thats very Good. The absolute BEST way for that, is Ask GOD to show you adn teach you. I promise HE will. Ask HIM guide you int o all truth consernign his word

Or even it it is infalliable or not. (I'm leaning towards it being infalliable, and I treat it's words such, but I'm open to arguments that it's not.) Its God breathed. Thats all we need to know, take that in fait hthat ALL truth GOD, through his spirit will brign to your attention if you crave righteousness, and humilty.
The Bible tells us that we each must be convinced in our own minds. IT sure does. but thats why its important to go to JESUS, becasue its hard to UNLEARN somthign you convince yourself is truth, but really it was self decpetion, and it was a lie. if you know what i mean, Fear and trembling, is the way to work out all point of our salvation.

I am not being tossed to and fro on every wind of doctrine. I'm am seeking. I am knocking. I am asking. I am patiently listening to everyone's point of view, so that I can come to my own point of view. Thats a VERY good thing, just make sure GOD is leadign your throughts actions and beliefes, constantly check with HIM. not many peope ldo that today, or really ever have..hence the 35,000+ denomiantions

I am a member of another forum that discusses theology, and I have learned much there. (People seem to be more civil on this forum though. :) ) I have coined a saying and it goes "If you don't know all sides of the argument, you hold your opinion in ignorance." :)

Speaking of that saying, I said it to one of my friends. We were talking about doctrines and she said "It's not my opinion, it's the word of God." Haha. its Really sad that some one can get one thign out of the Bible, and soemoen else somthig nentirely different. SOMONE is not beign taught by the spirit. No, lady, it is your opinion about the word of God. It is your intrepretation of the word of God. You see, we were dicussing homosexuality and abortion. Always the case huh?

Take Genesis 1-2. There are the theasist evoultionists, who believe God used evolution. There are the young earth creationists, who believe the days are 24 hour days, and there are those who believe the days represent long periods of time. And that's just three. All intrepretations of Genesis 1-2.
Well thats the thing, JESUS is the light, and he is the word. so OBVIOUSLY HE has ALL the light. WE all, all the parts of his TRUE body, SHARE a bit of the light. What SATAN has convinced us, and decieved us of, is that waht WE see MSUT be 100% holyspirit in spired, and anyone who dissagrees about certain things(like creation plan) cant possibly have anylight to share, becasue they dissagree with me, so i will divde the body some more adn totaly neglect anythig nto do with that brother. Now im not talking about castign out the sinning parts of the body(as 1 corinthains 5 says we are to, which si why homosexual churches dont work...I dont judge them ill leave that to GOD, but if homosexuality IS a sin, and the bible says so, then they must be cast OUT until lthey repent(180 degree turn) IT shoudl be the same for adultery, divorce(unless there is grounds) premarital sex, GREED, and and EVERY sin that is UN repentant must be cast out of the body, otherwise it will cause other parts of the body to sin, either in the SAME ways, or other ways...like HAtred, arrogance, pride...etc) Just ANYONE who dissagrees cant have light to share, im goig nto gather around this SMALL pice of light ONE MAN has and call it IT, and THAT will be Jesus. Forget about anyone else, we dissagree. Thats why there is division. PRIDE, and realy jsut haughty eyes, which are blinded immidately. TAHT is why its crucial to STAY in the fear of GOD, who CAN and WILL bring deception on you(lots of bible verses to back that up, i wont post them all though) and stay hubmle and loving of the bretheren adn GOD.
So obviously, there would be different intrepretations concerning homosexuality and the verses used by the pro-lifers.
As far as Homosexuality, God calls it a sin. anyone who says otherwise, well jsut doesnt want to obey, they care MORE about opinion of MEN then opinion of GOD. HOWEVER we shoudl still love them, and treat them humanely. Abortion may be a bit different, but look at the HUGE mess of abortion protesters, and NO ONE publickaly protesting false gospels, and false churches. THEY lead more peopel to hell then ABortions. The babies go back to be with the lord, but the many Peopel who are led astray by a false gospel, are stuck thinking they have the truth, and they dont. Spiritual abortion may be worse. ALSO, goign back to the homosexual debate. there should be EQUAL people protestign premarital sex. and EQual people protesting Divorce, and Equal peopel protesting Those who shed innocent blood. its Equally an abomination in the sight of GOD. Yet...Not that im sayig nwe should protest anything. In my opinion i think a Christian has no business doign the practises of the world. But thats apretnlty me, and very few others that take JESUS words literally.

Now homosexuality has been an interest of my lately. I listen to both sides of the argument and both sides have good points. So I'm on the fence.(even if Homosexuality IS NOT a sin. I think we make WAY to big od a deal over it, FOR it, or AGIASNT it. There is not such thign as a PRO Divorce church. There is no such thing as someone Divorce' bashing. And there is not such thing as an divorce' pride parade. (yeah i know im pickign on divorce's) ) The same about abortion. And this lady acutally said that she's concerned for my soul, because I go to a church that embraces homosexulity. She says anyone who endorses it will go to hell. Uh, lady, I don't see in the Bible anywhere that someone goes to hell because they have false doctrine(yeah there kinda is, not word for word like that, but Those who rather believe alie are given over to that lie(2 thessalonians 2:11) They are given over to a depraved mind, becasue they DONT want to repent and live righteosuly and turn from sexual immorality(romans 1:28) A few others. False Doctrine is a Fasle Gospel, and THAT my friend, is killing, Truly eternaly killing more peopel then anyhtign else. ITs deception and if you arent obeyign JESUS, and buidlig nyour house o nthe ROCK then you are given over to it. YOu are blidned to the truth, becasue you waould rather LOVE a lie, then JEsus. , especially if they hold that doctrine in ignorance.

Ephesians 4:8
"Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:"

Acts 17:30
"The times of ignorance therefore God overlooked; but now he commandeth men that they should all everywhere repent:

The way I see it, is that there are hundreds of doctrines in the Bible.(no, Just ONE doctrine, Doctrine of GOD, Titus 2:10, doctrine of Christ, 2 John 1:9, if you dont abide in the doctrine of christ, you dotn have GOD(doctrine means teaching, there is ONE God, adn there fore ONE teachign of ONE God, and HIS spirit, leads us into the truth of his Doctrine as WE humble ourselves deny self and follwo JESUS words. HE leads us into truth.) Why would you leave a church of your theological standpoint, because you disagree with them concerning one doctrine?(you mean ONE point OF doctrine? well people do that all the time, and then they go and start a NEW church under that one change of doctrine, maybe TWO, and then thats how you have 35,000 different denominations. and like 800 different forms of baptist. ...Division. Isnt that a work of the flesh?. Christians don't leave a church when it teaches free will and they are Calvinists(yeah some do, some people leave a congragation when they spend to much time talkign about one thing...peopel are fikle and selfish, adn really many Christans arent.). They stay. Why is homosexuality so different? It's just a doctrine just like any other doctrine.

I won't get into the arguments for homosexuality. I did that in other threads.

What I'm saying is no one has the right to judge anyone!

No we ARE to Judge concerning SIN in the body. NOT the world, but sin in the body, in the Church, yes. and they are to be cast out of the congragation untill they repent

1 Cor 5:10-13
I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people; 10I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world.
11But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a one. 12For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? 13But those who are outside, God judges. REMOVE THE WICKED MAN FROM AMONG YOURSELVES.

"Judge not, that you may not be judge. And the same measure you use, it will be measured back to you." Meaning, if you make a habit of pointing at people and saying they will go to hell, Jesus may one day point to you, and say you're going to hell.
That is very true, Like if you judge that someone is holy, and they arent. THAT IS STILL A JUDGMENT RIGHT? we are to know them by there FRUIT.

You reap what you sow.
Yes sow Righteousnes i nthe spirit, then that you will reap, sow SIN in the flesh ,then you wil lreap destruction.

I do not appreciate someone telling me that my soul is in danger because I disagree with them.
Why? if your soul is in danger becasue it CLEALRY goes agaisnt scripture(im not talkign about rpetrib raptrue, or young earth creationism) im talking about SIN. if some one warns you, then THAT IS LOVE,then thats STILL love, becasue its YOUR eternal wellbing they are concerned about not if you like them and think they are fare to your FLESH.

There are times when souls are in danger. They have backsliden. They're not growing, reading their Bible, are lukewarm, etc. But when someone is seeking God and you say they're probably going to hell because they hold a different opinion, well, lets just say I fear for you. God judges the heart. And not one person can see another persons heart.
AMEN! nope we cant see another persons heart, but we CAN judge them by there fruit.

MAtthew 12:34
"The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."

If some one is speaking somethig nthat goes agasint JESUS, then you know there heart is not in Jesus. JESUS hated sin, he did not JUDGE he pointed it out and said your free, dotn continue in it, he SAVED sinners so that they can STOP sin. Not continue in it. So yes there are jugmental people out there, but then IN the body we ARE to make calls of WHAT is in the body. JEsus sia if your right hand causes you to stumble cut it off, he was talkign personaly, but also Congragationaly, if there is a sinnig nmember of the Family of God, the must be cast out. So, yes if you allow SIN in the body, you will be judged, for NOT judging. That is what PAUL was upset over, a man had his fahters wife, and the church was PROUD...SIn is not somthign to tread lightly on. Granted like i said earlier, MANY people harp on ONE or two sins like they are worse, and then leave all other sins alone. Sin is sin, and there is NOWHERE i nthe bible that allows for SIN to be welcomed as natural, not in CHRISTS body. Thats homosexuality, divorce, arrogance, pride, witchcraft in any form, NONE of that is supsoed to be allowed in the body. If you let in an adulterer i nto the Congragation, and he is not repentant and KEEPS doing it, but you think its fine, NOT ONLY will that lead OTHERS to then go on to be adulterers, becasue "hey, look, this "man of GOd" isnt rebuked..so it must be ok" but it will also lead others to sin i nother ways, liek hatred, to THEM, ot YOU for allwoign it, or gossip, and then acusiong others of doign somthig nthat they arent...it would get ugly REALY fast...thats how sin and demons work. And when we allow them in, it increases in leaps and bounds. A little leven, levens the whole lump.
I hope that was understandable.
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