It's some dude, and his opinion. Which is fine: I agree with him on some points.
1) I agree that we don't have super-reliable information on what is actually happening in Ukraine. That's a problem for me; because my government should not be aiming propaganda at me, and my fellow Americans; and using the war as an excuse to move money.
2) I also agree that Putin's real goals are indeterminable at present. We may never find out- and Putin's goals may shift as the conflict unfolds- That's true, too.
His idea that "the concept of de-militarization failed long ago"... I don't think so. I also disagree with his assessment on the Ukrainian civilian population's will (and ability) to fight Russia... and I DEFINITELY disagree with the idea that if a peace agreement materialize that it would undermined by an angry population; that's absurd. Now, sure, there will be some people that will hate Russia forever, or even try to take revenge, but for the most part that's not going to be the case.
"their actions have organized and galvanized the Ukrainian population"... you mean the part of the population that didn't outright defect to Russia? and the part that didn't decide to leave Ukraine and never return? That part? What he said was a
huge overstatement.
I am actually far more concerned that in the case of a Russian victory, the Ukrainian people will wake up and realize they have been duped by western globalist trash into throwing away their lives and national livelihood. The only reason that the destruction that is unfolding now is happening is because we are keeping their government on life support. The idea that "Putin has only made them stronger" is absurd; Ukraine's military strength is entirely dependent on the US/NATO and would otherwise instantly be deflated. Putin is not fighting Ukraine anymore- he is fighting
us. That is the de-facto reality. We have nice legal structures to hide that reality, but that doesn't change the reality.