No, they aren't basically the same thing. They're entirely different.
Cynicism is a general distrust of other people and their motivations. Skepticism, on the other hand, is to question claims based on what information is or is not available to the individual. A skeptic is not necessarily a cynic in that many skeptics (myself included) are quite trusting. Not only that, but many people who aren't very skeptical of the things around them can be very distrustful. Of course, there are different flavors and blends of people all over - my point is that the two terms are entirely different and are not dependent on one another.
It's the same thing. Whether you're
cynical or
skeptical. Both of them is basically not believing in Christ and accepting Him as your personal lord and saviour. There are no cynics or skeptics in Heaven.
Keep in mind, the invisible giraffe example was only provided to highlight agnosticism. It's possible a god exists in the same way it's possible an invisible giraffe exists. I was not comparing their likelihood, only that I can technically say both are possible.
Yes, there would be more reason to believe in God than an invisible giraffe.
Yes, because of the bible.
The message of Christ might be simple to understand, but I'm not trying to figure out Christ's message. I know the core idea in which everyone must worship God and accept Christ as their savior. That part is simple. But there's more to Christianity than just a simple message to praise God, there is an entire culture as well as entire schools of thought revolving around the Bible and apologetics.
Why do you need to know all that mumbo jumbo for? Knowing all of that and being an expert on it wont get you saved.
Not only that, but assuming the Bible is true, it is by no means "simple" to understand. This is why we often hear "God works in mysterious ways" and what you quoted "Lean not on your own understanding." Christians argue that God's plans are too intricate for our intellects to even grasp. Even if you can grasp what is going on in the Bible, the easy part, understanding why any of it is necessary is perplexing.
You do not need to understand why it is necessary to be saved. All you need to do is trust that it is there because God had a reason for it. Then move on and let God teach you in HIS time not yours.
You're under the impression that atheists don't understand what the message means. We do understand what the message means, we're just not convinced that it's true.
The message is simple. Believe in Christ and be like Christ as much as you can. So you don't think its true? I ask you again. You think that the four Holy gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John are just made up and not records of real events then?
Have you watched God's Not Dead? It's a wonderful example of untrue atheist stereotypes.
This following video goes over a few misconceptions people have had about atheists.
Monotonous dribble.
Some other notable misconceptions:
* Atheists actually do believe in God because they spend their time debating his existence.
* Atheists don't have any morals.
* Atheists are angry at God.
* Atheists are unhappy people.
* Atheists just want to sin.
This thread is not about the mis-conceptions of atheists. I am not trying to have a debate over how atheists are "mis-understood" people. Atheists are still people too. They have a right to believe what they want to believe. I am not here to come down on them for their faithlessness. If they don't want to believe, don't believe, it's no skin off my nose.
I don't think you understand what the word "visible" means. The fact stuff exists isn't proof God exists.
Visible means = what you can see with your own eyes. But just because something isn't "visible" doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
Are more coming out as Christian? I highly doubt it. But even the most acclaimed Christian scientists do not allow their religious views to influence their scientific research. They may or may not believe complexity points towards a creator, but these views are based on their own prejudices and are not scientifically proven.
Christianity and Religion are two different things. Christianity is NOT a religion. Religion is something that man has invented. Christianity was started by Christ hence the term Christ-ianity.
An honest person who believes complexity points towards a god will admit they're assuming. That's all it is, an assumption. It's complex, therefore one assumes a god designed it. This isn't proof. You can't have proof. Having proof would require a means of observing non-created matter - which you see the problem with this.
No, its not an assumption. It would be an assumption if we never had the bible. But we do have the bible.
It's obvious you didn't actually read the article... The article can be summed up into this: "It's so implausible - GOD MUST HAVE DONE IT!" Implausible doesn't mean impossible. Even more importantly, it's not proof God did it. This falls under the God of the gaps fallacy in which one assumes God must be the answer when they come across a problem they don't have an answer for.
Yeah sorry, bad example. I will have to try and find a better example.
Actually, I don't care for Harry Potter. As for tarot cards, runes, ouija boards, etc., there is absolutely nothing mystical about them. They either DON'T WORK or they're given the illusion of working based off of psychological flaws that are exploited when we're placed in a certain state of mind.
You think that ouija boards don't work? You think that evil doesn't exist? Or that possessions don't happen and are "all in the mind"? ouija boards do work. But only in the sense in that they invite evil spirits into your home and life. If you do them enough you will regret it. Trust me, evil is real and these are just some of the tools they use to attach their self to our lives somehow.
I actually made the Bible Study room flip out because I told them I was going to go to a palm reader and record the experience so I could expose how it's all FAKE. But these people believe palm readings, tarot cards, etc., TO BE REAL! They warned me not to do it, that it doesn't even matter if it's fake, because God says not to go near those things. If they're fake, there's no reason why one wouldn't be allowed to expose these things as fake.
James Randi does a magnificent job exposing psychics as frauds. You should really look into it. I know, I know, it's a sin blah blah blah - he doesn't perform them, he exposes them. For example, he'll teach you how to bend a spoon like butter with the power of your mind! This involves bending a spoon back and fourth until it's about to break, then pretending you're weakening it with your mind. He exposed one psychic on T.V. who claimed he could move pages of a phone book move without touching them - but Randi proved that it was done using a gust of air caused by thrusting his hand towards the pages.
Please, you think I'm into tarot cards? I'm into exposing these delusional or intentionally corrupt con artists.
Yes, these people are fake. But the evil behind them is very real and very alive. All that stuff, tarot cards, palm readings, tea leaves, whatever, it's all pagan stuff. Those mediums use it to make it look like they are real and can "talk to the dead" and stuff. It's a complete farce but they know that naive and desperate people will buy into it and that makes them money so they get better and better at what they do and this convinces people. It's sad but true.
You can't just look at two things and say they can't be compared. You have to look at how they're being compared. Again, I simply used Harry Potter to explain how you can't tell someone the only way they can learn something is true is to read it until they're convinced it's true.
You are missing my point, thats not what I mean. Only until you have read and studied the bible will its truths become known to you and you will believe them. Not from simply just reading it. But from learning it. Things will add up and start to make more sense to you. Reading the bible is like doing a jigsaw puzzle. At the start you know all the pieces are there. But you can't get the full picture until you've put all the pieces together.
I appreciate your concern.
Do you? Truly do you?
It was written down, therefore it must be true! Flawless.
It was inspired by God. So yeah, completely flawless because Gods wisdom is infinite. There is no need and any room for sarcasm bro. If you can't accept that then that's between you and God. I'm simply planting the seed. I'll let God provide the water.
Unless they were lying, in which case they would be liars posing as good honest people inspired by God. This is why your argument doesn't work.
So you think they were all lying then? Even though their lives hinged on their believe and they were threatened with death wherever they went by those that didn't believe and even saw their own kind beheaded and hanged. Even through all of that, they still continued to lie?
You greatly underestimate what I know about the Bible and what I have read.
To be fair, you have not exactly shown yourself to be fluent and knowledgeable of the bible though.
I appreciate the conversation. Though, I've heard all your arguments before.
Sure. Hope it helps.
I didn't address everything from your second post because a lot of it was a repeat of what I already rebutted. There's no point in going in circles if we can help it.
Yeah same here. And its getting wayyy off topic too. You're a cynic or a skeptic (unbeliever) I am a believer. We'll only know who was right after we're dead or when Christ comes back (if thats before). Simple as that.