acts 9:31 "
Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace and was strengthened. Living in the fear of the Lord and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers.
matthew 24:48-51 " But suppose the servant is wicked and says to himself, my master is taking a long time in coming and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and eats and drinks with drunkards the master of that servant will come when He does not expect him at an hour he isn't aware of He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
clearly A lesson concerning Jesus second coming (v 36-39) clearly all servants are obeying to begin with yet the one servant begins then to disobey, both are servants the wise and faithful servant ( v 46) is rewarded, the wicked servant is "cut to pieces and assigned a place with the hypocrites a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth"
mtthew 13:40-43 "“As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear."
again clearly judgement day, " the harvest " in v 39. "he will weed out of His kingdom all who do evil and everything that causes sin." they will be thrown into the blazing furnace again weeping and gnashing of teeth."
matt. 25:45-46 "…Then the King will answer, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me.’
And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
clearly again the return of Jesus, judgement day, not this, those he sends away to eternal punishment here, performed miracles and drove out demons in Jesus name, so oibviously they believed at some point. and yet, because they did not do the right things, they end up in ETERNAL punishment. again...they prophecied and drove out demons in jesus name so they did believe, they are sent to hell for their ACTIONS. fear is a good thing if a person isn't following Jesus, hes the only way to avoid that eternal punishment.
luke 13 :23-30 "Someone asked him, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?”He said to them, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to. Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading, ‘Sir, open the door for us.’
“But he will answer, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from.’
“Then you will say, ‘We ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets.’
“But he will reply, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from. Away from me, all you evildoers!’
“There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown out. People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God. Indeed there are those who are last who will be first, and first who will be last.”
there is truly a good purpose in fearing the Lord God almighty, that's why its designed in his word like it is with all the true warnings, fear keeps the walk straight, not "afraid of" fear, but reverant fear that we are instructed to walk in when our love for Goid is perfect all fear is gone, until then fear is part of a godly walk