No Christ wasn't actually slain for their sins from the foundation, save for Gods Eternal Purpose wherein time is swallowed up in eternity, but having their sins already charged to Him, He would come in the world " in the fullness of time Gal 4:4 and suffer and die and put away their sins before Gods Law and Justice Heb 9:26
For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. 11c
Again the basic points of your argument are non-Biblical, erroneous in their understanding of the LAW and confused as to statement and meaning. Do you know what you're talking about? There is no evidence of it in your post quoted above. Read on and I'll explain why.
No one can be saved apart from the LAW.
Why? What is the purpose of the LAW?
The purpose of the LAW is to convict of SIN. The LAW is insight into God's character and plan for the redemption of man. Since man is unable to discern the will or mind of God, God has chosen to reveal it despite any attempt at man to earn, bribe or swindle it out of the Most High. Some people refer to this gift as GRACE, but they've confused about the meaning and purpose of GRACE because they choose to abuse it.
What does the LAW require in payment of SIN? It requires blood, because God has said the penalty of SIN is death. (Romans 6:23)
The LAW of Moses (Torah - 1st 5 books of the Bible) required the blood of animals to pay for SIN. However, this portion of the LAW was imperfect. Why? Because animals are mortal. Their death is temporary. A more permanent death of an immortal nature was required to fulfill the LAW.
I did not come to abolish the LAW. I came to fulfill it." - Jesus as quoted by Matthew 5:17
The fulfillment of the LAW was performed on the cross AT THAT TIME. All the mumbo-jumbo about eternity creates a fog of understanding. The LAW wasn't fulfilled until Christ DIED on the stake. Fulfillment of the LAW was permanent at the TIME because the immortal life of Christ was offered as sacrifice. Since Christ is immortal, His death serves as a permanent justification for those who accept it (see: Exodus' example of the lambs' blood used during pesach.)
All this nonsense about time being swallowed up in eternity is good for Star Trek episodes, but isn't Biblical. The death of Christ happened in TIME, but is good forever BECAUSE Christ is immortal. God's plan of redemption was outlined prior to that TIME, but God's fulfillment of His LAW didn't happen until two thousand years ago.
READ THE BIBLE. Put your sci fi books, your fortune cookies and your semi-religious manure to one side. READ THE BIBLE.
LAW & GRACE work together. They aren't separate from one another. Grace provided the LAW, which identifies our SIN and directs us to the sacrifice of Christ that can save us. Grace allows us to believe and to live ACCORDING TO THE LAW.
But if we crucify Christ again in our lives by embracing SIN, then we are subject to loss of God's protection - opening the door to satan to devour us (for it travels about looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8). Again, we may not lose salvation, but we may lose our health our natural length of days.
Your statement is VERY confused since you begin by implying Christ
wasn't slain from the foundation of the world, but then you do a turn-around and say Christ
suffered from the world's foundation. Which is it?
I perceive you do not know. You do not know because, like most post-protestant Christians, you do not know the LAW - God's revealed plan of redemption given to us by His unmerited grace. The LAW & GRACE work together to save. Once saved, however, no human has the authority to SIN. Our SINS are indeed charged to us. Why? Because we risk divine punishment for them in this life and in this world if we do not confess them and repent of them.
I am not saying here one can lose their salvation. When God promises to never leave us or forsake us, He means it. This in no way condones SIN in the life of the believer. The post-protestant church, ignorant of Reformation theology and rejecting the LAW, is completely illiterate when it comes to Biblical principles. Instead Christians today accept everything from Hindu prayers in congress to justification for international militarism and terrorism - all SIN by the way.
THIS IS why the Holy Spirit has abandoned most churches in America and THIS IS why God will judge the nation.
that's me, hollering from the choir loft...