

when you thought it couldn't get any more rude🤣
The look on that cat's face is priceless.
My cats have encountered this. Both possum and racoon. Once I heard this chittering outside on the deck. I glanced out the window that looks over it and there's this gigantic coon chittering toward my tabby who was standing beside the same kibble dish the coon was trying to eat from.
Kitty reaches out a paw and pulls the paper plate toward her. The coon chittered louder and reached out and pulled the plate back their way. Then kitty, who figured the coon was as dexterous as she gave in, and slowly walked to the plate where they both sat eating kibble together.
I never have my cell phone turned on in moments like that. But it isn't a visual I'm soon to forget. :LOL:
The look on that cat's face is priceless.
My cats have encountered this. Both possum and racoon. Once I heard this chittering outside on the deck. I glanced out the window that looks over it and there's this gigantic coon chittering toward my tabby who was standing beside the same kibble dish the coon was trying to eat from.
Kitty reaches out a paw and pulls the paper plate toward her. The coon chittered louder and reached out and pulled the plate back their way. Then kitty, who figured the coon was as dexterous as she gave in, and slowly walked to the plate where they both sat eating kibble together.
I never have my cell phone turned on in moments like that. But it isn't a visual I'm soon to forget. :LOL:
aww how cute sounding😀

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