Reactions received by dlj57

  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    You stated," The requirements of Sabbath observance have been transferred to the first day of the week (the Christian Sabbath)." Show me...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    You stated," The requirements of Sabbath observance have been transferred to the first day of the week (the Christian Sabbath)." Show me...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    You stated," The requirements of Sabbath observance have been transferred to the first day of the week (the Christian Sabbath)." Show me...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    "So, when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath..." (Acts...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    "So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath..." (Acts...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    (Matt 15:9) "And in vain the worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    God didn't change the Sabbath man did. (1) It started with the Protestant Reformation when the Gentils wanted to distance themselves...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    And by the way, I kind of like being called a Sabbatarian. Seeing that I truly believe in the Sabbath it fits. Think I'm going to get a...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    I do not disagree with any particular point. But when I talk about keeping the Sabbath Holy, I am also saying that organized Sunday...
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    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    I agree that we worship God every day of the week even Sundays, but that by no means that Sunday is the day we should go to church in...
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    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Give me scripture, Book, Chapter and verse. I have backed up everything I have stated with scripture. Rest means Sabbath keeping, that...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    "He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his Commandments, is a liar and the truth is not in him" (1 John 2:4) This is referring to...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    No... you are unable to comprehend. Just give me Scripture where the Ten Commandments have changed and the Sabbath has been changed...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    "Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentles..." (Rom 3:29) "Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Where does it say in scripture that the Lord's Day is Sunday. The Lord's Day is only mentioned once in the Bible. "I was in the Spirt on...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    ***** IM NOT CATHOLIC, they rewrote the Ten Commandments, They got rid of the 2nd commandment "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    The 7th day is the only day He set apart from the res and blessed, sanctified and hallowed. How can anyone take that away from...
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    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Can't be much clearer than that.
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Are you saying that there are two sets of Commandments? Genesis 26:5 is talking about the Ten Commandments and Gods Law. They are the...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to dlj57's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Who are you to Judge! Your opinion is no more valid than anyone else. In keeping God Commandments and Sabbath observance I'm very happy...