Reactions given by Ghoti2

  • G
    Ghoti2 reacted Like to laughingheart's post in the thread Thinking of others!.
    Hugs to you. I know that this post might not be specifically about you but you may be in the trenches supporting friends who are...
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    Ghoti2 reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Baby Boomers.
    Actually we get free pizzas for reading books.
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    Ghoti2 reacted Like to your post in the thread Baby Boomers.
    Wow sorry but what you said is very offensive. I count it a great privilege to look after my aunt in her twilight years. It’s what...
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    Ghoti2 reacted Like to your post in the thread Baby Boomers.
    I will say this. I dont envy young people. Food is getting less organic. This garden of eden is getting less of a garden. Communication...
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    Ghoti2 reacted Like to your post in the thread Where has Biblical Modesty gone???.
    The Holy Spirit teaches us how to walk in Christ,TALK in Christ,and live in Christ! I have no "so called head " to rule over me except...
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    Ghoti2 reacted Like to your post in the thread Baby Boomers.
    I’m 51 I look after my aunt 84, who has Stage 4 Copd on oxygen, heart failure, dementia, chronic kidney failure. As well as working...
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    Ghoti2 reacted Like to PennEd's post in the thread Baby Boomers.
    Ha! This has got to be a joke right? THE major difference, EVEN with millennials that don't consider themselves snowflakes, and...
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    I live in a college town. Our congregation is laid back compared to how I grew up. But no one is ever falling out his/her clothes. Some...
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    Ghoti2 reacted Like to your post in the thread Baby Boomers.
    Wow I don't know its it immaturity,you are young ,naive,or you just lack openness and understanding! So your mom is a selfish,uncaring...
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    Ghoti2 reacted Like to Magenta's post in the thread Baby Boomers.
    Hello Tasha :) My understanding of social security (in the Sates, though I am in Canada) is that people put their own money into it like...
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    No I was not a trickster. If the light wasn't on and no candy available I moved to the next house.....I went for the treats not to do...
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    Ghoti2 reacted Like to melita916's post in the thread Baby Boomers.
    according to google, i'm a millennial, and my parents are boomers. not only are they boomers, they also immigrated to the U.S. with not...
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    Ghoti2 reacted Like to your post in the thread New Deacon.
    Hey Dusty nice to see someone new on here!' Congrats on your ordination, though I confess I don't know what a deacon is - is that part...
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    Ghoti2 reacted Like to your post in the thread Where has Biblical Modesty gone???.
    Y'all are going too far. I don't think that t-shirt nor those jeans are going to inside a healthy mind or heart to lust. I think that if...
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    I’m so sorry you are going through this. It is heart wrenching. I’m a teacher at a private Christian school and, while slightly...
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    Ghoti2 reacted Like to melita916's post in the thread Baby Boomers.
    i have a hard time seeing the boomers as "only caring about themselves," but it's probably because growing up, i didn't interact with...
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    Ghoti2 reacted Like to your post in the thread Hints and tips to save money!.
    Dave Ramsey is good, I was going t mention his name too ;) even if folks don't enroll in his programs, just getting his book Total Money...
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    I'm not sure we want to put all that hot air in Antarctica. It would probably melt all the ice there.
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    To prevent wasting what you have, use a Sharpie marker, or any permanent marker, and write the expiration date on the top of your tinned...
  • G
    Ghoti2 reacted Like to your post in the thread Baby Boomers.