Reactions received by MrH59

  • danja
    danja reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread Hi from South Carolina.
    Hello and Welcome to CC. from a fellow South Carolinian. This is a great place to make friends from all around the world. GOD bless you...
  • reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread I'm Lilly.
    Welcome to CC. That is a beautiful picture, I agree, welcome to da family. Good family here and all part of the family of GOD. looking...
  • danja
    danja reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread New member David. Hello.
    Hello friend, So happy to know you are following Jesus. I pray that your relationship with him will continue to grow everyday. I'm glad...
  • danja
    danja reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread Greetings from Fiji.
    Hello to you also, so glad to Greet you. I pray that GOD's love and peace will be with you today. Amen
  • reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread Hello from Sydney, Australia.
    Welcome James, I think I can relate to what your saying . I tried reading the bible several times in my younger days and found only...
  • reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread Greetings from Fiji.
    Hello to you also, so glad to Greet you. I pray that GOD's love and peace will be with you today. Amen
  • reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread New member David. Hello.
    Hello friend, So happy to know you are following Jesus. I pray that your relationship with him will continue to grow everyday. I'm glad...
  • danja
    danja reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread Hello from Sydney, Australia.
    Welcome James, I think I can relate to what your saying . I tried reading the bible several times in my younger days and found only...
  • becc
    My prayers are with you, For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. This is truly a sad situation and it happens a...
  • blue_ladybug
    Good luck and GOD Bless you, I usually have one or two a year that are too big to pass and have to be broken up. I know your pain and...
  • Deade
    Yes GOD is good, he is the only one that can really be said of " He is awesome!" Glad to have you here at CC. I hope GOD blesses you today.
  • reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread I'm hannah!.
    GOD bless you also Hannah, It truly is a blessing to have this site. So many Christian friends who all believe in our risen savior. Hope...
  • reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread God Is A Wonder.
    GOD is good,all the time . All the time GOD is good. Amen welcome to C.C.
  • reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread Any locals to me? :).
    Welcome to CC. Finding a good church is very important,I hope you find one soon. Hope to see you around:cool:
  • reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread New here from DFW.
    Hi Brianb6885, Welcome to CC. I don’t think it’s by accident you found this site. Either your looking for something in your life or GOD...
  • reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread Hi!.
    Welcome Marie83😊. It’s a pleasure to greet you. I think you will like it here. I know it’s been a blessing in my life. It’s amazing to...
  • reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread Hey. I’m new here!.
    Hello lunaverse, welcome. I hope you find a blessing here. The testimony of people all over the world let’s me know GOD is real and I...
  • danja
    danja reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread Hi!.
    Welcome Marie83😊. It’s a pleasure to greet you. I think you will like it here. I know it’s been a blessing in my life. It’s amazing to...
  • Leastamongmany
    Leastamongmany reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread Lust or attraction.
    This is very informative and scriptural. Definitely something to meditate on and pray about. Thank you for sharing.
  • reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread Lust or attraction.
    This is very informative and scriptural. Definitely something to meditate on and pray about. Thank you for sharing.