Reactions received by NC_Jen

  • reacted Like to NC_Jen's post in the thread Hurt So Much.
    I'm so sorry you got hurt. Yes I certainly know how that feels. You will heal in time and start to feel better. God knows your pain and...
  • becc
    becc reacted Like to NC_Jen's post in the thread Hurt So Much.
    I'm so sorry you got hurt. Yes I certainly know how that feels. You will heal in time and start to feel better. God knows your pain and...
  • Born_Again
    Born_Again reacted Like to NC_Jen's post in the thread Its Coffee Time.
    I ruin it with stuff :p I don't think it's ruined though lol. Love me some coffee!!!
    FENNER2 reacted Like to NC_Jen's post in the thread Its Coffee Time.
    I ruin it with stuff :p I don't think it's ruined though lol. Love me some coffee!!!
  • S
    Soulstar reacted Like to NC_Jen's post in the thread Hello! I am new here..
    ;) Hi! I am new here too and feel the same as you. Welcome :)