Reactions given by Pasifika

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    Pasifika reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    correct. though some refuse to see it.
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    Pasifika reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    read on to the next chapter of 1st John, and John explains that His commands are " believe in the name of the Son and love one another"...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Aaron56's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    You can’t see the fulfillment of Isiah 66 because you willingly veil your eyes with the law. No wonder you reason like a Jew who does...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Cameron143's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Neither of you seems to have found the very rest the sabbath speaks to.
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Inquisitor's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Those commandments were fulfilled and became the two new commandments. 1 John 3:22 And whatever we ask, we receive from Him, because...
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    And neither of the two greatest commandments were written in stone And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to decipher's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Rom 13: 8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another; for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. The problem with humanity...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Gideon300's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    I do what the Lord Jesus shows me to do. The 10 commandments came through Moses. If the Law could save anyone, Jesus died for nothing...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Gideon300's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    I do not believe that anyone here is saying that Christians have a licence to sin. I will say that knowing the Law will not set anyone...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Magenta's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    You keep the Sabbath as commanded in the OT? No, you do not. Nobody can. Break the law in one point you break it all. Shame.
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Inquisitor's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    The word your looking for is "codified". Which means to arrange (laws or rules) into a systematic code. The law including the 10...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Pilgrimshope's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Amen “who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Magenta's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Jesus was purposed from before the foundation of the world, and that predates God's Sabbath rest, which has always pointed forward to...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Aaron56's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Sounds more like Seveventh-Day teachings are tricky. They make the Bible mean things it does not. “..but as He who called you is holy...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Aaron56's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    By God’s grace, He includes us in His Beloved. In Christ we become His sons. This restores us to His original intent. This is the...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Magenta's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    You misunderstand. My derision is aimed at the idea that people can keep the Sabbath. It cannot be done according to the requirements...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Cameron143's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Is this an admission on your part?
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Magenta's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    I see. So what animals do you sacrifice in your Sabbath observances?
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Gideon300's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Easy. We have a conscience. Do you not read the Bible? God's moral code is written in the heart. Everyone knows that it is wrong to...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Cameron143's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    You are chasing shadows and not the real thing. You promote the letter of the law. I promote the substance of the law. Read Matthew...