Reactions given by Pasifika

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    Pasifika reacted Like to Inquisitor's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Don't forget to reference the material in your post. Otherwise, that is deemed to be theft (plagiarism) against the author. I don't...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Inquisitor's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    No, that is not the gospel. Paul told us what the gospel was in 1 Corinthians 15. Paul told the Corinthians that it was only Christ...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Inquisitor's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    How can you keep the law and at the same time see your sin through your transgression? That is a contradiction.
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Inquisitor's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    We don't teach lawlessness because everyone knows how to be lawless without even being taught. We teach Christ crucified for salvation...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Inquisitor's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Funny fellow, thanks for advancing me up the ladder to a higher authority.
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Inquisitor's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Nevertheless, you do sin and so does everyone else. So it is better to not say you obey the 10 commandments rather confess and be...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Dino246's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Well, I can see plenty of "veil" here.
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    Pasifika reacted Like to mailmandan's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Hebrews 4:9 - So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. (NASB) Everyone should take note that the Greek word "sabbatismos"...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to mailmandan's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Properly harmonizing scripture with scripture before reaching my conclusion on doctrine is not adding to or taking away from God's word...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to mailmandan's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    So you basically define "believe" or "faith" as "keep the commandments of God" (with a heavy emphasis on keeping the sabbath day). Jesus...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to mailmandan's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Who was commanded to keep the sabbath day in the first place? (Exodus 20:2; Exodus 31:16-17; Deuteronomy 5:15) What did Paul say about...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to mailmandan's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    You must not think too highly of the sinless, perfect life that Jesus Christ lived or His death, burial and resurrection, which provided...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to mailmandan's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Oh, the irony. Following biased SDA church doctrine is not the same thing as following Jesus.
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Everlasting-Grace's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Pump your chest much? How do you keep the sabbath? Do you go to church on this day? Do you allow your pastor to work on this day? Or do...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Everlasting-Grace's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    sadly, the pharisees today are no more able to understand what Jesus said as those in Jesus day. and remember, they had him crucified.
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Everlasting-Grace's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Your the one accusing us of not keeping it. And pumping yourself up that you do. And now you want to blame me? Typical pharisee...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to mailmandan's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Speaking of false teachings:
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    Pasifika reacted Like to mailmandan's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    I have presented Biblical arguments and so have the folks who wrote the articles on those sites. Most of those folks previously attended...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Sipsey's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    It's fine if you want to keep the Sabbath like the Jews did, but don't condemn those who chose to follow the New Testament that Jesus...
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    Pasifika reacted Like to Everlasting-Grace's post in the thread the Sabbath.
    Actually the NT says those who keep saterday are blessed. And those who give every day to God is blessed. And those who keep the day...