Reactions given by Rosemaryx

  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    You know, it is a sad day and a losing day for biblical Christianity when one cannot view God from the words he inspired about HIMSELF...
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to blue_ladybug's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Even BEFORE any of us were saved, we did good works. Opened doors for other people, mowed a neighbor's lawn, shoveled someone's yard. :)...
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to calibob's post in the thread Not By Works.
    For me love was a gift recieved from the holy spirit. That's how I knew I was saved. I had little or none before, suddenly I was...
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    And you would be wrong.... OH FOOLISH GALATIANS who has BEWITCHED YOU....HAVING begun in the SPIRIT are you now made PERFECT by the...
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to calibob's post in the thread Occasional Drunkenness.
    I think the lesson better learned was Noah acted like a fool the lesson is how not to act. It is why care should be taken if a person...
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to PennEd's post in the thread Christmas.
    1. Jesus was almost certainly not born in December. Very likely in September. 2. Here are your origins of the Christmas Tree. You will...
  • Rosemaryx
    If I am not mistaken, Bush senior was a Bonesman (Skull and Bones society)….and all that this entails. I do not think he is resting in...
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to your post in the thread George Bush Senior dies at the age of 94.
    Ever heard of the NWO? He always mentioned how he hoped in being successful in bringing out the NWO...So, you're correct.
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    What is amazing, is they come back judging people as loving sin, yet by being in here, they are in sin. A contradiction in itself.
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    Some people do not seem to understand, men of all times has been saved by Grace through Faith. Paul was arguing against all forms of...
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to blue_ladybug's post in the thread Lost.
    Listening probably would be easier, but that being said, I can't really listen if I'm trying to do other stuff at the same time.. I need...
  • Rosemaryx
    This is how I view eternal security and the effects of it on our thinking. Being secure in knowing we are His...keeps our focus on...
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    Yes, I think they are called false teachers in scripture, what do they do, they want to strip believers of the joy and peace we have in...
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Bill is one of the nicest people on here.....why would you rip him like that Fran.............?
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    I don't believe constantly think that we don't like you or hate you etc.....that is not the case at all.....what we...
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    God leads us to rise above the flesh into the realm of the the ability to forgive a mentally, physically, sexually...
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to PennEd's post in the thread Not By Works.
    My first reaction is scream, "CAN'T YOU SEE YOU ARE DEPENDING ON YOU TO KEEP YOURSELF SAVED!!!" It's been so long now since the...
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to PennEd's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Man. I'm not loving saying this, but this SOUNDS like the one whispering'"Did God REALLY say....."
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    Amen sis, how can you be saved if you were never attached to the root? God does the planting, did he plant his children in rotten soil...
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to Demi777's post in the thread Gay wedding.
    If u go ur supporting it. Best is dont go