Reactions given by Skovand

  • Skovand
    I heard a preacher that said Jonah drowned, the whale probably spit him up on shore near Nineveh where at least a couple Ninevites...
  • Skovand
    This is interesting. I have a brother who's into ecology, and other family in horticulture, pathology... When i was young, i found this...
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to PC123's post in the thread Hobbies?.
    I have a soft spot for orchids... My mum grows them...:love:
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to Going_Nowhere's post in the thread Horror lovers?.
    My favorite horror movie series is.... The Halloween saga with Michael Myers! Looking forward to Halloween Kills and Halloween Ends!
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to Bleed's post in the thread Horror lovers?.
    The Shining!
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to Demi777's post in the thread Hobbies?.
    The more colourful the better. Especially purple ones i like. Cant post them here as the files are too large. I always post on indtagram
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to Demi777's post in the thread Hobbies?.
    U can find me as demi_mullen777
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to tourist's post in the thread Hobbies?.
    My favorite past-time is enjoying the fellowship on this wonderful Christian site.
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to Roughsoul1991's post in the thread Horror lovers?.
    I get enough horror exposure when I tune into politics. I suppose I'll be the individual who once enjoyed horror movies but I guess the...
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to your post in the thread Horror lovers?.
    I don't mind horror comedy like The Cabin in the Woods, Train to Busan, Walking Dead, or Addams Family. However, I do not like pure...
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to SarahUmbreon's post in the thread Horror lovers?.
    So for me, I'm not really into horror and get scared easily. I avoided Barnes and Noble for years cause I saw a scary movie cover. Also...
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to SarahUmbreon's post in the thread Horror lovers?.
    Oh my goodness, I didn’t think I would find another person on here that likes Higurashi ^_^, yeah the horror anime I’ve seen so far is...
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to soggykitten's post in the thread Horror lovers?.
    That would be a page turner for sure. I never read the books behind the Hellraiser series.
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to soggykitten's post in the thread Horror lovers?.
    I just remembered two more. The Final Destination series, and the Underworld series. Remember the movie, Twilight? First movie wasn't...
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to soggykitten's post in the thread Horror lovers?.
    I think if we can read the old testament and the horrors that are described there in detail, such as the she bear that ripped 42...
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to soggykitten's post in the thread Horror lovers?.
    It isn't a sin to watch movies. Movies are wholly fiction. People who perish in a movie got up after that scene and went on to live...
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to soggykitten's post in the thread Horror lovers?.
    That's crazy. But there again that is the very definition behind the word fan, isn't it. Fan=Fanatic. Sad when so many think to example...
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to SarahUmbreon's post in the thread Horror lovers?.
    I would like to see that post in the bible discussion, cause it seems everyone on here everyone has different opinions. It would be...
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Horror lovers?.
    the crucifixtion was pretty horrible. Jesus had to flee from this psycho called King Herod when he was just a babe into egypt which was...
  • Skovand
    Skovand reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Horror lovers?.
    My favourite bit was Lazarus coming of the tomb. Classic. I really thought when Salome ordered John the Baptist head on a plate to...