Reactions received by Smox

  • daisyseesthesun
    daisyseesthesun reacted Like to Smox's post in the thread Greetings..
    Greetings, I've come here to be around like-minded individuals avid about the Word and I hope my coming here won't be temporary. My...
  • HealthAndHappiness
    HealthAndHappiness reacted Like to Smox's post in the thread Greetings..
    Greetings, I've come here to be around like-minded individuals avid about the Word and I hope my coming here won't be temporary. My...
  • Nicolas
    Nicolas reacted Like to Smox's post in the thread Greetings..
    Greetings, I've come here to be around like-minded individuals avid about the Word and I hope my coming here won't be temporary. My...
  • Tall_Timbers
    Tall_Timbers reacted Like to Smox's post in the thread Greetings..
    Greetings, I've come here to be around like-minded individuals avid about the Word and I hope my coming here won't be temporary. My...
  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Like to Smox's post in the thread Why seek a relationship?.
    I pose the question in hopes of healthy discussion and ultimately edification. In all seriousness, if we as servants of the Lord, true...