Reactions received by XmasBaby

  • Rhomphaeam
    I understand that it looks like Russia is pathetic, but I don't think they really are. I think they underestimated what it would take to...
  • reacted Like to XmasBaby's post in the thread Russia preparing for war.
    I know! Everyone can join NATO! Then Russia's feelings won't be hurt. They wanted to be in NATO. We said no. If we say yes to them, then...
  • G
    No offense, but you're not going to overstep God's boundaries by revealing any mysteries that have been solved for you. God opens us up...
  • Pilgrimshope
    Pilgrimshope reacted Like to XmasBaby's post in the thread BAPTISM.
    Ephesians 4:5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism. There's one true baptism, one that unites us with Christ. That said, I was baptized as a...
  • Pilgrimshope
    Pilgrimshope reacted Like to XmasBaby's post in the thread BAPTISM.
    I was reading this very story of Peter today to the first grade Sunday school class and thinking of this thread.
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to XmasBaby's post in the thread BAPTISM.
    I keep seeing these verses that are specific about water baptism and getting puzzled by those that say it's not important.