An anger boils and rises inside me it fills me to the brim and even scares me and so I asked the Lord if I was to write for I can feel something inside
A word it written in my heart and though I fear to write it I do so in hopes to follow his will.
Listen oh doers of evil cower of wicked in heart for the day of your fall is at hand, how you live in deceit and drink and recoice behind your closed doors saying to each other we have won we have power we are God's and will reshape this world in our image, how blind and how foolish you people of evil are how you see a clear path to your ways and yet fail to see the twisted ways you will travel how you lack to see the stumbling rock in front of your own feet. You shall fall and be devastated you shall weep and lick your wounds you dogs of folly.
You will know my fury and it will consume you and the whole earth as a fire of unending torture my wrath will be your name my anger shall be your of your own doing oh blind and evil men. How the Lord laughs at your foolshness how the heavens and the heavenly bodies sit silent and still in the waves of anger and fire that exceeds from the Lord how the stars tremble and the galaxies dare not utter a sound. laugh and rejoice oh wicked and evil people for it shall be short lived and you will reap what you have sown in full laugh and drink oh planners of filth for I will place a heavy hammer upon your arrogant heads
And to you oh Prophets who claim to speak my name and my words, how dare you use my name in such vanity how dare you claim to speak my lips while leading my children astray, you wolves who I despise will be shown no mercy for the words you have spoken and you continue to do so with utter blatancy as you build and build upon yourself speaking a voice that is not my own and yet believing fully for you speak your master words and know not the wool over your eyes for you are not my sheep and know not my voice yet your hearts speak only for yourselves and you do so for self gain
I shall bring upon you a spirit of deceit and agony and shall make you suffer greatly for the children you have misguided and fooled you whores of Babalon you dogs of reapers and death you shall bear the company of my wrath and my anger for you have forsekn your God and turned your hearts to the wicked and filthy and have dared to misuse my name and have dared to speak my voice when I have spoken not for the Lord on high shall not be mocked and he shall reap his vengeance
For my beloved ones know that my anger and my wrath is very soon to befall the world you will see the horrors of my anger and fury upon a wicked generation fire blood and darkness shall soon encase the entire lives of humanity such as never seen before in the history of creation but you my children shall be covered and safe I shall hold you in my arms and cover your heads in my bosom for my anger is not for you and fear shall not overtake, for every level of intensity that the world will receive in my angery and fury you will recieve the warmth and beauty of my love.
My heart longs to hold you and my face is shining with joy in you for I have seen and known the longing in your hearts for me with such deep affection and desire a hunger and craving that drives you to insanity you care not for the things of this world and only i am in your hearts eyes. weep in the nights alone no longer my loves hunger and thirst in the day no longer my treasures for I am now unleashing my wrath and anger and in doing so I will rescue you and give you all that you have longed for in full so much so that if it were possible it would overtake even your own king for the depth and richness of what you will recieve is beyond your imagining
Wake your spirits and open your minds and hearts look for me and know that I am coming know that the rushing winds of coming will sweep the feet of the nations and rejoice when you feel this wind for it shall carry you into the heavens where I am and where you will burried in my heart and love for all eternity mark the words I have spoken my children and let your hearts not wonder if or when let them not be concerned with doctrine or your own thinking of my timing and coming for you will see the sudden and instant coming and I will come in a flash as lightning
A word it written in my heart and though I fear to write it I do so in hopes to follow his will.
Listen oh doers of evil cower of wicked in heart for the day of your fall is at hand, how you live in deceit and drink and recoice behind your closed doors saying to each other we have won we have power we are God's and will reshape this world in our image, how blind and how foolish you people of evil are how you see a clear path to your ways and yet fail to see the twisted ways you will travel how you lack to see the stumbling rock in front of your own feet. You shall fall and be devastated you shall weep and lick your wounds you dogs of folly.
You will know my fury and it will consume you and the whole earth as a fire of unending torture my wrath will be your name my anger shall be your of your own doing oh blind and evil men. How the Lord laughs at your foolshness how the heavens and the heavenly bodies sit silent and still in the waves of anger and fire that exceeds from the Lord how the stars tremble and the galaxies dare not utter a sound. laugh and rejoice oh wicked and evil people for it shall be short lived and you will reap what you have sown in full laugh and drink oh planners of filth for I will place a heavy hammer upon your arrogant heads
And to you oh Prophets who claim to speak my name and my words, how dare you use my name in such vanity how dare you claim to speak my lips while leading my children astray, you wolves who I despise will be shown no mercy for the words you have spoken and you continue to do so with utter blatancy as you build and build upon yourself speaking a voice that is not my own and yet believing fully for you speak your master words and know not the wool over your eyes for you are not my sheep and know not my voice yet your hearts speak only for yourselves and you do so for self gain
I shall bring upon you a spirit of deceit and agony and shall make you suffer greatly for the children you have misguided and fooled you whores of Babalon you dogs of reapers and death you shall bear the company of my wrath and my anger for you have forsekn your God and turned your hearts to the wicked and filthy and have dared to misuse my name and have dared to speak my voice when I have spoken not for the Lord on high shall not be mocked and he shall reap his vengeance
For my beloved ones know that my anger and my wrath is very soon to befall the world you will see the horrors of my anger and fury upon a wicked generation fire blood and darkness shall soon encase the entire lives of humanity such as never seen before in the history of creation but you my children shall be covered and safe I shall hold you in my arms and cover your heads in my bosom for my anger is not for you and fear shall not overtake, for every level of intensity that the world will receive in my angery and fury you will recieve the warmth and beauty of my love.
My heart longs to hold you and my face is shining with joy in you for I have seen and known the longing in your hearts for me with such deep affection and desire a hunger and craving that drives you to insanity you care not for the things of this world and only i am in your hearts eyes. weep in the nights alone no longer my loves hunger and thirst in the day no longer my treasures for I am now unleashing my wrath and anger and in doing so I will rescue you and give you all that you have longed for in full so much so that if it were possible it would overtake even your own king for the depth and richness of what you will recieve is beyond your imagining
Wake your spirits and open your minds and hearts look for me and know that I am coming know that the rushing winds of coming will sweep the feet of the nations and rejoice when you feel this wind for it shall carry you into the heavens where I am and where you will burried in my heart and love for all eternity mark the words I have spoken my children and let your hearts not wonder if or when let them not be concerned with doctrine or your own thinking of my timing and coming for you will see the sudden and instant coming and I will come in a flash as lightning
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